Patience is a Virtue

We’re told from childhood that patience is a virtue. I’m pretty sure that many activities, including the art of gardening, and the creation of art in general, are about learning that lesson. Creating a new scarf design has been a bit grueling. We’re introducing different fabric, potentially a different printing method because cottons take color differently than polyester chiffon and the size will be new. This one has been fun though. My husband told me he thought it looked modern. Interesting thought. I’m going with it.  When to fertilize the Alberta Spruce? The two front spruce are of similar height. Replanting the
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Communicating Garden Design Through Pictures

I’m not entirely sure how long I’ve been communicating with the world through pictures but I suspect it’s a habit as old as me. I love to draw and paint, and so communicating about a proposed garden design visually, makes perfect sense. Besides, I think better drawing. Related Images:
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Growing Partners

Just remember. You can’t do it alone. At some point all growers understand that. I am constantly waay over my head with stuff that needs doing in the garden. SO, anytime, I’m showing photos of my latest idea or a growing tip about something, just remember, we are not alone in a private little outdoors- the world continues around us. Related Images:
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Garden Design

I don’t know about you, but my flowers have been funky this Spring. They seem to have been arrested by a premature warm spell followed by snow. The azaleas have just started to bloom, but in a manner I’ve never seen. They’re flowering at the ground level. All other buds are still tightly closed. I have three or four azalea bushes in different colors all doing the same thing. Time to start a new garden! Related Images:
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Guilty as charged

The skunk cabbages have sprung and I’m in love. I spent most of the day outside Saturday, after dutifully planning to stay inside to work on my High Point pillow booth. Instead, I raked the garden, loaded in wood and cleaned the pellet stove.  Oh, the guilt I had to beat back. The sun came out today and melted most of the last  (?) Spring snow. Related Images:
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An Indonesian Door in Litchfield

Our Indonesian door was not intended for wintering over in New England. So, each fall we unlock it and haul it into the barn. Today, we had a good friend over for dinner who helped us install it for Summer 2015. I just love it. I can see it out the kitchen window and it makes me feel good –like an old friend. Related Images:
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Yesterday, my husband insisted I rush out mid-afternoon and take some photos because he thought my favorite hosta had something more to offer this season. He was right. Related Images:
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At Last-From Flowers to Pillows

This photo reminds me of Etta James who was incredibly challenged by an abusive childhood and an adult life of drug addiction. A passionate performer and four-time Grammy winner-her music continues to reach out and surprise with its intensity. Photography is a passion that crept up on me unawares. Related Images:
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