Valentine’s Day 2017

Today’s image is all about GREEN-It’s been snowing for days in New England. The world outside is white. Then I remembered…it’s Valentine’s! Like many other holidays, Valentine’s has its roots in ancient times. Related Images:
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Flowers For Every Season

Flowers have always fascinated me. I’ve never quite understood why they’re invariably associated with being delicate or fragile. Because they’re beautiful? Personally, I connect with flowers much more as survivors, wonderfully changeable and strong in life, no matter the adversity thrown their way. Sort of like..women. Related Images:
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Relationship Building Through Home Remodeling

Renovating home and garden is challenging no matter how you do it. The real question is how do you arrive at remodeling solutions pleasing to both parties? The drawing above is a winter rendering showing some proposed iron gates so we can see how they’ll look in place. Related Images:
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Romancing The Relationship With Your Home

This week I’ve been working on some new designs. Roses have always been a passion of mine. The rose image above was re-created from a pillow called Perfect- which at the time had minimal handwork in its final print. These two rose images began from a single photo and are in an evolving relationship. Stay tuned here every week for more and totally new patterns too. Related Images:
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Wrought Iron Instills History in the Garden

If you’re following us, you’ll recognize the path we’ve been on the last several weeks- in search of a fence to enclose the garden- and finally a wrought iron fence. I love it! Found it in Albany at Executive Antiques. They’re closing their doors, so you have to hurry if you want to get some great gates for yourself! Related Images:
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Milkweed and Garden Gates in January

By now, many people know that monarch butterflies can’t survive without milkweed- a caterpillar’s only food. These milkweed pods have already burst to show their beautiful seeds. I’m crazy about this plant. In late fall, you can see fields full of them blowing wantonly in the sun. Of course, in my case, I enjoy milkweed for its unique style – seeds exploding out of their pods in late fall. Related Images:
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The Paper Wasp -New Designs in Home Decor

A Woodland Paola Pillow placed inside a wasp nest that some large crows dive- bombed off a tree. Introducing new images for home decor. The alternating color channels are fascinating – artfully manufactured by the wasp queen from wood fiber and saliva. Each cell becomes a nursery for her young. More about paper wasps here. Many patterns in nature are visible signs of recurring forms found in the natural world. They occur in different contexts and can even be modeled mathematically. Ancient Greeks studied these patterns to explain order in nature. I see certain recurring motifs as I work through photos from
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Winter Summer Romance

Poinsettias and roses. In the world of flowers, a winter summer romance can include poinsettias and roses, or even sunflowers and azaleas. Whatever I’ve grown and photographed in the garden in season. Winter in Connecticut typically means I’m on garden hiatus- working inside on the computer with blooms of all color that defy seasonality. It’s a wonderful escape from the snow and cold. We heat with wood and pellets. The warm smell makes for a sort of cocooning that I’m sure bears similarity to hibernation in the natural world. If you’re inclined toward escapism and haven’t quite made it to
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