Roses, Roses and Romance

Nothing quite says it like roses. Every year as I begin to catch a whiff of Christmas in the air, I start to feel ROMANTIC. Why is that? In honor of romance, I’m devoting this blog post to fanning the flames of the romantic heart. Related Images:
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How do you relax?

Periodically, people ask me this question. Each time I get stumped and fumble for words. Two well known slogans come to mind: “More doing” and “Just do it.” Even basking in the sun is a challenge for me without something to do. When I go to the beach, I’m most happy with a novel under my nose. Then, I relax.  Related Images:
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Ravishing Roses

Spring is coming and with it the promise of roses. Roses are challenging to grow in heavily shaded and/or wetlands. We have all of the above at our home in Litchfield but it doesn’t stop me from trying. I’m crazy about them. Related Images:
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Hidden Roses and Paola Prints

Growing up, we took lots of road trips. My mother was always well prepared. We had all kinds of reading, books with puzzles and word completion games. My favorites were always the ones with hidden pictures or comparing seemingly similar photos, trying to find the ways they were different. Related Images:
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Valentine’s 2016 is around the corner

And so we begin. February 1 marks the first day of this year’s march to Valentine’s Day. Each post in this period will be devoted to bringing you something new, something beautiful or fun, just because.. too much time is devoted to doing things that we must! Related Images:
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