Seven Designs For You

Paola scarves are now available to order. Have a look. If you love them, consider a wonderful addition to your wardrobe, AND, please pass them on. I appreciate it! Related Images:
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Art Inspired By Nature

The natural world is so much greater than a single person. And yet, nature still requires a person to appreciate and create with it. Unfortunately, the intersection of nature and art in life can sometimes be perceived as a playground for the wealthy.  (Gardeners, know that this is simply not true). Related Images:
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First Flower of Spring

Hens and Chicks (aka Houseleeks) eventually grow flower stalks that culminate in real flowers. This lovely image is truly not a first flower. But it could be- I haven’t seen this much color outside in months! Yesterday, after the rain, I spied the plant hugging the frozen ground for dear life even as it turned up its face to sun- is it Spring yet??? Related Images:
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Mid-Century All the Way

I was messaging with my son about his quest for a new couch. We independently landed on mid-century modern as the style to shoot for. Why is that? (Aside from the fact that we both have impeccable taste rooted in American history.) Related Images:
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Discovering Incongruities in Life

Paola Pillows are indoor pillows, all soft cotton and down- no vinyl cyanide onboard*. I couldn’t resist placing them outdoors for a cheery snapshot of a sunny winter’s day. As usual, I revel in the incongruities of life. Creative license taken here. Related Images:
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Sustainability in the Garden

A love of fabric forms the basis for understanding a principle that might otherwise escape the light of day. Sustainability is a word that’s been overused in some circles and avoided in others. Related Images:
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Colors and Serenity In A Summer Garden

My husband gave me dusty pink roses for my birthday. I quickly realized that aside from green, shades of pinks are the main colors in the summer garden at present-with peonies and spirea bushes. Along with the rich brown hue of the Serenity Statue.  Related Images:
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Survivor Plants

I’ve developed certain attitudes about plants overtime that are akin to attitudes about life. Attitudes evolve for a combination of reasons, some inherited, some experiential, some associative and some just whimsical. Related Images:
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