They’re Baaack!

They’re Baaack! The skunk cabbage are here. And more coming. One of my favorite signs of spring. I just have to write about them every year! It’s not just their color and shape. Or the fact that they’re pioneers, early adaptors. Or perhaps it’s their undeniable motherly qualities against all odds and threat of inclement weather. Interestingly, skunk cabbage also reminds me of the work of the artist Henry Spencer Moore- a celebrated English sculptor known for his monumental semi- abstract bronze sculptures. An artist my dad was a big fan of. Read more here about the story of incredible
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The Evolving Garden Layout

For months now, I’ve avoided getting down to the business of installing the gravel paths and flower beds. It’s not that I can’t face the hard stuff. It just takes time. And the layout keeps evolving. This was the week to dig into the details of mulch for weed prevention in the emerging layout. Related Images:
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This Spring Garden is Emerging Slowly

Litchfield, Connecticut flowers are still flirting with Spring. I took this photo in May 2015,  after a hard rain. This year, I lost most of my tulips and the late bloomers are just coming in. The peonies have thrown up shoots and buds, waiting to be staked before their heads fatten and fall over from heavy, sweet flowers. And yes, the Japanese beetles are getting their fill on the last emerging hybrid lily leaves. I find and squash those bugs whenever I can. Pests. Related Images:
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