The Paper Wasp -New Designs in Home Decor

A Woodland Paola Pillow placed inside a wasp nest that some large crows dive- bombed off a tree. Introducing new images for home decor. The alternating color channels are fascinating – artfully manufactured by the wasp queen from wood fiber and saliva. Each cell becomes a nursery for her young. More about paper wasps here. Many patterns in nature are visible signs of recurring forms found in the natural world. They occur in different contexts and can even be modeled mathematically. Ancient Greeks studied these patterns to explain order in nature. I see certain recurring motifs as I work through photos from
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Winter Summer Romance

Poinsettias and roses. In the world of flowers, a winter summer romance can include poinsettias and roses, or even sunflowers and azaleas. Whatever I’ve grown and photographed in the garden in season. Winter in Connecticut typically means I’m on garden hiatus- working inside on the computer with blooms of all color that defy seasonality. It’s a wonderful escape from the snow and cold. We heat with wood and pellets. The warm smell makes for a sort of cocooning that I’m sure bears similarity to hibernation in the natural world. If you’re inclined toward escapism and haven’t quite made it to
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I can’t make you love me

I thought this a good thought to begin 2017. You can’t make anybody love you, so love yourself! The rest will follow… “I can’t make you love me” sung here by George Michael – recorded by MTV in 2009. Related Images:
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Happy New Year 2017!

New Year is a time to ponder on what went before and what’s upcoming for 2017. Van Gogh was a man who struggled mightily with his “here and now”. His genius was only truly appreciated after his death. Largely self- taught and a bit of a vagabond- he was unable to stay too long in any one place. Related Images:
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What do you want for Christmas this year?

I’m heading to watch a show with my husband and try not to stay up too late! For the New Year, I’d like to leave you with a quote from Eartha Kitt: “I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma.” Doesn’t that feel like just another day in paradise? Learn new things always, and always choose to be with the ones you love. Talk with you in the New Year.. And yes, Paola are pillows available for sale…always on Etsy as PaolaStudio. An Eartha Kitt classic- Santa Baby. You know you’ve at least earned that sable
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