The Day of Reckoning

Is coming. Summer is marching ahead. The foliage is overly green and heavy. The blue hydrangeas are incredibly beautiful –filled out and heavy hanging, colors changing by the day. Transient blooms are fading as vines take over the garden. Related Images:
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Woodland- A New Paola Pillow

Meet the new Paola Pillow – Woodland. I thought the Chesterfield leather couch a worthy backdrop to a pillow with lots of personality. Recently, someone told me he thought my pillow designs were too “girly” and would I consider a hunting motif? The short answer was “no”. Related Images:
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Super Paola 2015

This time of year, one can feel eclipsed by all the goings-on. Having raised three college athletes, I learned early to let the game roll and entertain myself on Super Sunday. This year, the sport’s latest controversy has been deflating to say the least.  But I was so pleased to find the Super Bowl has new excitement for Paola Pillows. Related Images:
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The Paola Pillow Exhibit

Marc Chagall was a 20th century Russian-French artist, a passionate colorist who melded together several different artistic styles during his lifetime. Here you can see a Paola pillow in front of a muted version of the fabulous stain glass windows Chagall created for the Art Institute of Chicago. Related Images:
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