Please Pass the Bulbs

With the colder weather, a new appreciation of interior spaces comes over me. The muted outdoor landscape makes each remaining color a treasure…like an autumn crocus for example. Related Images:
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You’re Gonna Miss Me When I’m Gone

We‘re visiting a dear old friend in the hospital tomorrow, probably for the last time. I love the name of this song that surfaced today as I was driving down the road. Boris, our friend, is a HUGE jazz fan and is also forever young at heart. Related Images:
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Paola Pillows Over Time

I got married the first time, way too young. Which caused me to settle early in a very narrow geography. As a consequence although I’ve lived all my life on the east coast, I still find myself drawn to varied and far away places. Related Images:
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Mr. Tambourine Man

This week, Bob Dylan won a Nobel Prize in literature. It was thrilling. And yet, he still hasn’t responded to the Swedish Academy as to whether he’ll accept it. Hmmm. Related Images:
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Tulsa Time

Fall in Connecticut is in full swing but  we just flew into Tulsa this afternoon.  Got off the plane and it was 85 degrees. Summer reset. Related Images:
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Here Comes Fall

Colors and leaves-leaves everywhere. The New England countryside is begging to be seen. Take a drive soon if you’re so inclined. Due to a general lack of rain this summer, Fall 2016 should be a shorter color season. Related Images:
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