The Paola Pillow Exhibit

Marc Chagall was a 20th century Russian-French artist, a passionate colorist who melded together several different artistic styles during his lifetime. Here you can see a Paola pillow in front of a muted version of the fabulous stain glass windows Chagall created for the Art Institute of Chicago. Related Images:
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Luxury – An Italian Tradition

“Authentic heritage is something you can see, feel and sense in every product- built upon real traditions and values, upon experience, passion and know-how handed down over generations.” Patrizio di Marco, President & CEO, Gucci. Related Images:
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Happy Thanksgiving!

Make no mistake-big bird is in the fridge waiting for his day in the oven. Here is a recipe option for the next day. Lentil soup is your ticket to a balanced meal in a bowl. All good, no excess. Related Images:
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Tis the Season

For fires, the spicy smell of wood smoke and plotting away the cold days of winter in anticipation of the holidays. I enjoy getting ready for a party almost as much as the event itself. Related Images:
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Will you still love me tomorrow?

This is a shot of the foyer floor we did in 2012- before and after grout. Mexican tiles, by design, are irregular both in shape and color. The color variation was fine with me, but the shape created a nightmare that only our builder and tile people could resolve. Related Images:
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Paola Pillow Evolution

Someone recently asked me how I’d ever come up with the idea of making Paola pillows- specifically applying flower photos to cloth. It seemed a funny question but then I thought about it. Related Images:
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A History of Pillows

The other day I wandered into a google discussion about the history of pillows. It appears the original purpose of pillows wasn’t so much about comfort but keeping bugs out of your mouth. Related Images:
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Life Could Be A Dream

Ever watch a movie or TV show and think, “There’s so much more to this story then they’re telling?” Every pillow story is unique; some designs involve way more effort than you might think. Related Images:
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It’s what’s inside that counts

How often have you heard that statement? I know I have, from food to computers. I suggest it’s a story often told but rarely acted upon. I don’t know about you, but I look at something and, if I like the look of it, I go straight to the price tag. Related Images:
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