Things That Go Together

I’ve always been fascinated by flowers that draw matching pollinators. They look like they go together. On the other hand, do you think a flower might feel upstaged in the company of one as lovely as this butterfly? Related Images:
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What’s Your Style? From Bridal to Home and Garden

My daughter is getting married in June. We just found The Dress. After much hand wringing and tooth pulling, it appeared effortlessly- as in a dream. (I’m not kidding- it was the stuff of reality TV) The dress is hiding in my closet shielded from all eyes until the fitting happens. Well, almost…see the faint print in the couch behind the Paola’s Palma pillows…? The entire dress bodice is encrusted with seed pearls and sparkles- in true princess style. Related Images:
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Milkweed and Garden Gates in January

By now, many people know that monarch butterflies can’t survive without milkweed- a caterpillar’s only food. These milkweed pods have already burst to show their beautiful seeds. I’m crazy about this plant. In late fall, you can see fields full of them blowing wantonly in the sun. Of course, in my case, I enjoy milkweed for its unique style – seeds exploding out of their pods in late fall. Related Images:
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What do you want for Christmas this year?

I’m heading to watch a show with my husband and try not to stay up too late! For the New Year, I’d like to leave you with a quote from Eartha Kitt: “I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma.” Doesn’t that feel like just another day in paradise? Learn new things always, and always choose to be with the ones you love. Talk with you in the New Year.. And yes, Paola are pillows available for sale…always on Etsy as PaolaStudio. An Eartha Kitt classic- Santa Baby. You know you’ve at least earned that sable
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Please Pass the Bulbs

With the colder weather, a new appreciation of interior spaces comes over me. The muted outdoor landscape makes each remaining color a treasure…like an autumn crocus for example. Related Images:
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Naturally Refreshing

Green foamy waves, sun and blue. Why is it  that being in the presence of nature is so relaxing? Life was overflowing with summer today. I used to flee to the ocean every year. These days my husband has become a snowbird. He craves the sun when New England winter sets in. Summer outside in New England… not so much. Your garden can offer you respite from the everyday. Related Images:
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The Sparkly Tropical Hibiscus

Today, I’m working on designs with my tropical hibiscus flowers and considering this motif for a scarf. ( Tropical- as in NOT winter hardy. Need to find them a winter home inside my house. No wonder they’re knocking themselves out with flowers this summer.) Much to be considered and test printed…so stay tuned. Related Images:
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