Welcome Rain Falls,Unwelcome Pests Emerge

I’ll never tire of waking at night to the sound of rain falling. Walking outside in a morning garden and seeing the blessed dark soil tells you it was good all around. Late July into August leads quickly into maintenance, which this week included pruning, staking and pest control. Related Images:
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Forest Bathing

Summertime offers respite from the din of everyday, everywhere. Even after traditional school years are over, people continue to forge summers that include some form of vacation from yearlong obligations. Fun, relaxation and contemplation. Related Images:
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Lessons Learned in the Garden

There’s something new in every season. I discovered the yellow calla lily in a mix of mystery shoots that appeared after putting pots outside this Spring. It reminded me of the never ending mysteries that surface raising kids. Like Bridget. As hard as you try, you can’t know everything. Life is made of change. Related Images:
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Life is No Fairytale

We can dream. When I saw this photo, I knew it was the one I was looking for. When I conceived the garden a few years ago, it’s exactly what I was thinking. Romance, enclosure and above all, mystery. It’s all there, in the garden. The gate is not as incredibly high as one might like, BUT, the plants are growing strong. And, was that a hummingbird that passed through this morning? Heaven. Related Images:
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Coney Island Memories

My dad was an italian immigrant from southern Italy who grew up in Brooklyn. He and my mother settled in Washington DC. We often drove to Brooklyn to see extended family on my Dad’s side. Although familiar with growing up in a city, nothing really compared to the experience of Brooklyn and the Italians. And Coney Island. Related Images:
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It’s Cut and Sew Time

I gave up growing morning glories several years ago when they started invading their neighbors space. Now, I’ve discovered a new place for them, I sew their dewy images into beautiful scarves. It wasn’t so much the flower vines traveling all over the garden as it was their insistence on climbing every plant they touched. And. After the first year, they rarely bloomed, so their prime “reason for being” had passed. I still have MANY fab photos of the glorious midnight blue flowers. Maybe another year. Related Images:
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Is it Art or Craft?

Something well crafted is something that’s well made, even handmade. Art is far more esoteric. And probably NOT functional, as a craft might be. Sounds a little confusing. What determines art or craft? Related Images:
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Beneath the Canopy

I got my first introduction to the rain forest when I visited my son Dan in the state of Washington last year. Did you know it’s not uncommon to have different weather systems in a rain forest? If you ever walked through one and it started raining of a sudden, you’d quickly get the picture. The trees are huge and the high canopy creates the feeling of a cathedral in the out-of-doors. Wonderfully quiet – a mysterious sensation. Related Images:
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Flower Fantasia

What’s that in the sky? It’s a flower, no, it’s a flower scarf! This week I turned my attention to some new designs using the ever lovely tropical hibiscus. Related Images:
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