Flowers and Jazz

I’ve been reading about the Golden Age of Gardening and formal gardens created in America starting in the 1880s. Wealthy Americans emerging from over- industrialized cities arrived in the countryside, acquired very grand homes and proceeded to create an oasis of continual blooms. Just like me. (Hah, I can dream, anyway) Related Images:
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The Art of Decorative Pillows

Speaking of decorative – June is when colors slow down in my garden. I miss them! I’ve been so busy inside-even though the peonies have started blooming, I have yet to get the camera on them. Tomorrow is another day. Related Images:
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Sunflowers and Tag Sales

Today was tag sale day. Chaos reigned for a few days leading up to it. When we merged homes in 2009, we couldn’t see our way to getting rid of all the extras. We moved most of it into a storage unit the next town over.  Related Images:
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June Roses

It’s June! Do you love roses as I do? They’re precious and feisty- just the right combination in a flower. Summer is getting underway here in Litchfield Related Images:
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Living Green

We make Paola Pillows from 5.6oz. 100% cotton sateen, and I love to work with it. It’s soft to the touch and the fabric saturates intensely with the beautiful colors from my garden. La Violetta is a dramatic looking pillow I re-created in Photoshop from a photo of a hybrid lily. Quite the showstopper. Related Images:
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Coming Up Green

Most everything outside is green right now (except for lazy azaleas with lingering blooms.) I took this hosta leaf photo and got some great ones with the sun playing through it in the early morning.  My Paola pillow called Aquilina is headed for the sunlight. Aren’t we all looking for sun this time of year? Related Images:
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Azaleas and NYC

Just for the record….The azaleas are officially- in bloom in Litchfield, Connecticut. I feel happy…when I see them coloring the landscape. Related Images:
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NYC, here we go..again.

Tomorrow morning we’ll be driving to NYC at 5AM for the ICFF show at the Javitts. Too much going on in pillow business land to be terribly loquacious at the moment. I’ll let you know what I saw later in the week…do you think this pillow looks like French Fries? Related Images:
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Hey, you do great work

Words an artist never tires of hearing. I’d be a liar if I said otherwise. At the same time, we always know more than the observer making the comment. Some might call it schizophrenia. Related Images:
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My Garden is Growing!

Green shoots coming up everywhere, fat azalea buds busting free. And the lily leaf beetles keep surfacing on the lilies. I try to get them every day but it’s becoming every other day. I spent time this week preparing the new bed for the dahlia tubers and cultivating around the hostas. Related Images:
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