The First Flower of Spring

Skunk cabbage, aka Symplocarpus foetidus, is sometimes called the first flower of Spring. It’s not surprising that its flowers never fully emerge from their protective hoods (spathes)- because we know how cold and damp it STILL is in New England. Skunk cabbage has always been something I’ve alternately ignored or feared- especially if it’s encroaching on my gardens. It smells awful (exactly like a skunk) and lives in muck. My friend and nutritionist Alison Birks describes its habitat well in her poem: Symplocarpus Flowers in Spring– “A fetid odor wafts over tangled root masses– over dead leafy thick mats– over
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Paola Prints Green

Spring has not yet come to Connecticut- although I’ve had several sprout sightings indicating it’s not too far off…Better get out soon and rake off the beds. Today was spent making calls and working on a new print order. Related Images:
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Raising Sunflowers

The sunflower on this pillow is actually a baby sunflower. I started it from seed inside, until the plant was strong enough to stand up to the elements. Weaklings at birth, sunflowers grow into amazing, strong sun worshippers. Related Images:
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Garden Adventures

I found an article posted on Facebook I really enjoyed reading. A gardener/blogger by the name of Maggie Tran, recounts her visit to a private garden in the Loire region of France. Her descriptions of the land and its scents reminded me so much of early Spring. Related Images:
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The Lily Leaf Beetles Are Coming

It won’t be long before plants will be poking their heads up through the crumbly leftovers of the Winter of 2015. It’s always good to get outside, and clean away the debris. We just got home from our trip south and I can begin to see ground where the snow is starting to melt. Are we done with that yet? Related Images:
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Spring Cleanse

Spring has always been an emotional roller coaster for me. On the one hand, it’s so drop dead gorgeous and fresh, you could stay outside all day long. On the other hand… Related Images:
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Paola Prints- A Road Trip

A few months ago, I made a fabric travel bag to hold my pillows, knowing intuitively that it wasn’t cool to travel with my beautiful cotton sateen pillows in brown paper or large plastic trash bags. Related Images:
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Working on a New Paola Pillow

I love this photo- the colors are so great together- all  green and red. Doesn’t it look like the coat is rising up inside the green arch? This week I’ve been working on a new spring pillow. And I mean working. Related Images:
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