Holding Onto Green

Impossibly, today is a little cooler following a long dry summer here in Connecticut. It’s nice to not be constantly worrying about the last time I watered my garden residents. And it’s wonderful to look out and see the dark soil, nicely saturated. Mother Nature does such a better job than I. This is the first year that almost all the hostas, day lilies and phlox were chewed away pre -bloom. Mysterious nocturnal marauders assaulted my little garden. I started spraying a Bonide product called “Repels All,” after the fact. It holds some hope for next year and I’ll begin spraying
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Clothes From the Garden

You grow the plants. Photograph them at high resolution with your Nikon of choice and design new creations in Photoshop. Apply those to a finish product and SELL said item. A tall order. Even though I’ve bought printing for marketing purposes, experimenting with printing to fabric was a whole other story. It would be exhausting to think about doing even part of the job, if I hadn’t fallen head over heels about the potential for creating beauty. The love of transferring nature to fabric has had its way with me relentlessly. Blogging about it is my confession. Pretty or handsome?
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Summertime in Winter

In the northeast this time of year, it’s easy to fantasize about bright colors and blessed memories of summertime. Let’s indulge! The first white phlox of the garden are in bloom. And…paper whites are on the ascendancy. I’m not quite there. Some people take off for a warmer climate this time of year. What are the other options? Well, this artist thrills to the creation of sunny images with power to transport the imagination. This was a busy week for Paola Prints. We’re getting a print order ready for two new designs and have almost finished a third. The Blues
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Desperately Seeking Holiday Love

Holidays are all about “matters of the heart”. I often wish we could divorce ourselves from the “stuff of giving” and focus on doing things for the “love”of it. Don’t get me wrong. I’m a real material girl at holiday time. Remember the Madonna movie called “Desperately Seeking Susan?” Great show and one that showcased the becoming of a late bloomer who thought love had passed her by. And they did it through the material world. all the stuff of new clothes and holidays. It’s that time of year. We’re once again caving to frantic pre Christmas shopping stuff and
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It’s getting hot in between rainstorms in Connecticut. I went out to weed today and the drops started again. We’re sprouting a lot of incredibly healthy weeds. Summertime is also the time for cool and roses-when you can find them. Related Images:
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Raising Sunflowers

The sunflower on this pillow is actually a baby sunflower. I started it from seed inside, until the plant was strong enough to stand up to the elements. Weaklings at birth, sunflowers grow into amazing, strong sun worshippers. Related Images:
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Why I blog

It’s a time consuming process to shoot many photos and work on them until I’ve achieved a design I consider to be “viable pillow art”. Maybe one in 2,000 photos is even brought under that kind of scrutiny. So, I enjoy the opportunity of sharing its evolution in pictures and words. In that way, blogging balances the creative part of my life. Related Images:
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