Heavenly Blue Indigo in a Morning Glory

Indigo blue is the color of a magnificent aging morning glory. Morning glories open in the morning and die at night. The color indigo is described as between (primary) blue and the color violet on a color wheel. It’s sometimes called blue violet. Think blueberries or new blue jeans. Indigo is thought to embody the concepts of stability and truthfulness. “True blue.” Its closeness to violet also calls to mind authority and royalty. Related Images:
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Couple Shopping Therapy

I won’t lie. Second marriages have their challenging moments too. We of the “second time” just have new, different hurdles to clear. To begin with, we’re more set in our ways than twenty-somethings. My husband and I are also from very different backgrounds which means our knowledge base is very different. What’s not to like about shopping as a medium for bringing you together? Related Images:
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All Dimensional- The Life of An Artist

We visited a great antique art shop in Gloucester MA last week.  A. P. H. Waller Antiques & Sons- Antiques & Fine Art. They had furniture and home décor items but the emphasis was clearly on three- dimensional art. I felt right at home. I’ve included some photos below. Related Images:
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Summer Sun

Summer is in full swing here in Connecticut. Which means lots of sun and green. Oranges and yellows are re-appearing in the form of lilies of all stripes. The lily leaf beetles have now completely decimated the hybrid lilies and are migrating to other kinds of lilies. Gross! Related Images:
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Hydrangeas – Bring Water For Success

Ever notice your hydrangea bushes wilting in the heat of day? Fortunately, hydrangeas were designed to catch water- each little seed capsule is wide open, ready for any passing moisture. Hydrangeas love regular watering- it  yields more flowers too. This year in Connecticut- we have no worries, plenty of water. Related Images:
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Sustainability in the Garden

A love of fabric forms the basis for understanding a principle that might otherwise escape the light of day. Sustainability is a word that’s been overused in some circles and avoided in others. Related Images:
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Living a Colorfully Diverse Life

Many say that we’ve become intolerant of people different from ourselves. You can see evidence that supports this. Living in places where we only hang out with people like us or putting our noses in a phone everywhere we go. Sometimes, we engage in a lot of inward turning – regardless of which side of the proverbial aisle we live on. Related Images:
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It’s Independence Day. Take A Chance.

Every person, not just the first Americans, yearns to be free. Independence Day is a time to reflect on that. This might simply mean trying something new. Consider that in your own life this year, or any day. Nobody could accuse the early settlers of being timid or not taking chances. It’s not easy but I think we have to keep working for independence every day. Related Images:
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Colors and Serenity In A Summer Garden

My husband gave me dusty pink roses for my birthday. I quickly realized that aside from green, shades of pinks are the main colors in the summer garden at present-with peonies and spirea bushes. Along with the rich brown hue of the Serenity Statue.  Related Images:
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Inside Flowers and Outside Flowers

This year has been such a wonderful year for flowers that I’ve had a hard time cutting them. What’s the motivation? They’re thriving outside. All the peonies that have been staked, tied, keep coming. The rain has been brutal yet there is no denying the difference between last year and this. Would that every year were so!  Still, I’m starving for inside flowers! Related Images:
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