The Evolving Garden Layout

For months now, I’ve avoided getting down to the business of installing the gravel paths and flower beds. It’s not that I can’t face the hard stuff. It just takes time. And the layout keeps evolving. This was the week to dig into the details of mulch for weed prevention in the emerging layout. Related Images:
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Show Time at Market

Friday was opening day at High Point Market. So much energy expended at looking good. Ah, the things I’ve learned. Had a GREAT southern breakfast the other day. This place is something to go out of your way for. Container garden in the back with cute little cow sculptures on the back stairs. I had one giant pancake (forewarned as I was) with a choice of blueberries in, or on top and HEATED maple syrup. I treasured my latte, which is virtually unheard of in this locale.. The decor was funky arty, the service outstanding. And the price was prolly
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The Day of Reckoning

Is coming. Summer is marching ahead. The foliage is overly green and heavy. The blue hydrangeas are incredibly beautiful –filled out and heavy hanging, colors changing by the day. Transient blooms are fading as vines take over the garden. Related Images:
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Paola Pillow Evolution

Someone recently asked me how I’d ever come up with the idea of making Paola pillows- specifically applying flower photos to cloth. It seemed a funny question but then I thought about it. Related Images:
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