In Quest of a Rug

It’s been written that floor coverings likely originated from stalks of organic materials loosely applied to dirt floors to warm or visually improve them. In this way, floor coverings would also differentiate one home from another. The concept was not dramatically different from today. Shopped for a rug lately? Related Images:
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Sounds, Sights and Scents of Christmas

The Christmas season heralds sensations of traditions  that have lasted generations of families. It’s written that our sense of smell alone triggers more brain activity than visual stimulation. Think of it, the sight of a rose vs… its scent. Which holds more memories for you? The scents of Christmas. No question in my mind. What are yours? Related Images:
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Just Let Go

To some extent, “getting into the holidays” can incrementally increase tension. Anybody else feel a certain amount of increasing stress over… gift expectations, family time, whatever? I found an article written by Arthur C. Brooks that helped me, it might also be of interest to you. An excerpt… Related Images:
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Happy Thanksgiving Early!

From Montreal. This year I’m thankful for a brief visit to Canada. Could it become more than a visit? Only time will tell. At least we have our passports now.  And I’m grateful not to have to cook turkey this year – or any giant side dishes designed to overstuff. This isn’t the first year we’ve taken a “bye” for Thanksgiving and I strongly recommend it every five years or so. Related Images:
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Halloween and the Fabric Between Life and Death

It’s been said that Halloween marks the time when the fabric between life and death is at its thinnest. Maybe that’s the underlying reason why people get spooked. Or, maybe it’s because we’ve  been commercially conditioned to scare each other on Halloween since childhood. Related Images:
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Cooler Weather Heralds Warm Colors

For some people, warm colors might mean shades of red. (Like me). As the weather turns cooler, do you too migrate inside and begin pondering about interior spaces that need attention? I get stuck sometimes not finishing certain rooms. Places that  just need something…different. I clean, wander and consider what I might change for, say holiday events. Autumn is a good time to get ideas by looking at what other people are doing. Related Images:
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Couple Shopping Therapy

I won’t lie. Second marriages have their challenging moments too. We of the “second time” just have new, different hurdles to clear. To begin with, we’re more set in our ways than twenty-somethings. My husband and I are also from very different backgrounds which means our knowledge base is very different. What’s not to like about shopping as a medium for bringing you together? Related Images:
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It’s Independence Day. Take A Chance.

Every person, not just the first Americans, yearns to be free. Independence Day is a time to reflect on that. This might simply mean trying something new. Consider that in your own life this year, or any day. Nobody could accuse the early settlers of being timid or not taking chances. It’s not easy but I think we have to keep working for independence every day. Related Images:
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Eclectic Home Decor

Joseph Louis Juste is a 20th century Haitian metal artist whose work would rightfully be called eclectic. After falling in love with this piece at a great place called Black Rock Galleries (several floors of eclectic home décor)… Related Images:
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An Invasive Species in My Garden

I’m in love with an invasive species. Spiraea japonica. In fact, last fall, I transplanted some shoots in the hope of encouraging its spread in my yard. When you have a large area to cover, sometimes, you go for those plants that thrive. Managing their growth is not rocket science. You have to stay on top of it. No gardener is happy to have her garden space dominated by anybody. Until my dear Japanese spireas overwhelm their neighbors or lose their beautiful color, I’m all in. I found this site though that might be of help if you’re questioning a
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