First Flower of Spring

Hens and Chicks (aka Houseleeks) eventually grow flower stalks that culminate in real flowers. This lovely image is truly not a first flower. But it could be- I haven’t seen this much color outside in months! Yesterday, after the rain, I spied the plant hugging the frozen ground for dear life even as it turned up its face to sun- is it Spring yet??? Related Images:
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Ultra Violet Reaches For a Higher Level

Ultra Violet is a blue purple color and one of my favorites. It’s become even more popular for the art industry in 2018, chosen as color of the year by Pantone, who suggests that “Ultra Violet lights the way of what is yet to come. Awareness brought to a higher level.” Leatrice Eiseman, Exec. Director of the Pantone Color Institute. I’m good with that. Related Images:
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Mid-Century All the Way

I was messaging with my son about his quest for a new couch. We independently landed on mid-century modern as the style to shoot for. Why is that? (Aside from the fact that we both have impeccable taste rooted in American history.) Related Images:
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Discovering Incongruities in Life

Paola Pillows are indoor pillows, all soft cotton and down- no vinyl cyanide onboard*. I couldn’t resist placing them outdoors for a cheery snapshot of a sunny winter’s day. As usual, I revel in the incongruities of life. Creative license taken here. Related Images:
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Carnival Indulgence

Tuesday, February 9, 2016 is Carnevale! Carnevale is an ancient celebration that goes back to the Middle Ages.  Of course, I’m a fave of the Italian version. But no matter the country, if you’re reading this post? Your job is to find a way to party today, part time, all day or tonight. It could be as simple as special food or…a treat for home or office. Related Images:
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Valentine’s 2016 is around the corner

And so we begin. February 1 marks the first day of this year’s march to Valentine’s Day. Each post in this period will be devoted to bringing you something new, something beautiful or fun, just because.. too much time is devoted to doing things that we must! Related Images:
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Getting Dirty

I adore getting my hands dirty. Raking leaves, mulching, tying up plants and pruning. I feel the same indoors too. Doing laundry for example. Weird? Related Images:
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