Blossom Shopping in a June Garden

The first blast of Spring flowers has past, leaving in its wake rich young green colors on every side. What’s budded up in CT right now? Well, the peonies are starting their show… The day lilies are dutifully rearing their crooked little heads as the astilbe flower stalks get fatter by the day. Welcome patches of purple spiderwort are bearing their first flowers even as they demand staking. Spiderworts are great this time of Spring, as little else is blooming. Their fat numerous buds are a promise of continuous flowering. A few patches of new white allium have appeared I
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Never-ending Fall Clean Up- What’s a Gardener to Do?

New England is a classic draw in the fall. People travel from far and wide to get the color experience. Gardeners rake forever, and clean gutters in between -especially if you’re fortunate enough to have maple trees overhanging the entire front of your home and garden. And dear Larry to get up on the ladder with a garden hose. Fall plant care..can’t live with it, can’t live without it. Related Images:
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Bamboo Thrives in Connecticut

Well sort of. We’ve now installed bamboo both outside and inside the house. We love the look of it and how it works with the landscape. Outside bamboo requires the maintenance of wood but is probably a little easier than re-finishing wooden decks, for example. Our bamboo flooring is harder and is lasting better then hardwood. Related Images:
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A New England Garden Grows Quickly

It’s hard to stay inside on computer when the garden is growing so fast- especially with all the rain we’ve had. Allium is a beautiful member of the onion family. It’s also a welcome addition to the garden when azaleas and lilacs fade. Related Images:
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Flowers For Every Season

Flowers have always fascinated me. I’ve never quite understood why they’re invariably associated with being delicate or fragile. Because they’re beautiful? Personally, I connect with flowers much more as survivors, wonderfully changeable and strong in life, no matter the adversity thrown their way. Sort of like..women. Related Images:
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Recipe For a Great Thanksgiving

I seem to recall that the meal the colonists ate on the first thanksgiving was largely supplied by their Indian hosts. Work with me on this. There’s very little planning involved  and  you probably still have one more day to find a store to prepare your turkey. Related Images:
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You’re Gonna Miss Me When I’m Gone

We‘re visiting a dear old friend in the hospital tomorrow, probably for the last time. I love the name of this song that surfaced today as I was driving down the road. Boris, our friend, is a HUGE jazz fan and is also forever young at heart. Related Images:
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