Is Mid-Century Modern Decor For You?

We’re headed to an auction preview in Bridgeport by Black Rock Galleries at the end of the week. It will be held at the Bridgeport Technology Center Warehouse- a two-day auction of contemporary and Mid -Century Modern home furnishings. It starts to close on October 25th at 7:30 pm. I chose a couple of Mid- Century Modern Lounge Chairs by Norwegian Designer Oddvin Rykken to host Paola Prints Woodland pillows. Their pairing is a testimony to the versatility of good Mid-Century décor- clean lines and it goes with everything. Related Images:
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Green Works In Every Season

Palma is a Paola Prints pillow that looks splendid all year round in living rooms of all styles. Hosta leaves are like that. Green is like that. Even those of us addicted to the color red have to admit there’s a reason green has been so popular in home decor all these years. Related Images:
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The Life and Colors of Colonial New England

Roses were an important contribution to life in colonial America. In England, roses were considered so valuable that rose and rosewater were considered legal tender and fell under the control of the king. Historically, rose bushes were passed down through generations. For myself, I just love the scent and colors! Related Images:
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Cooler Weather Heralds Warm Colors

For some people, warm colors might mean shades of red. (Like me). As the weather turns cooler, do you too migrate inside and begin pondering about interior spaces that need attention? I get stuck sometimes not finishing certain rooms. Places that  just need something…different. I clean, wander and consider what I might change for, say holiday events. Autumn is a good time to get ideas by looking at what other people are doing. Related Images:
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Take Comfort in Nature at The Clark Museum

There’s predictability to the changing seasons that can offer welcome stability for the weary soul. Seasons repeat, temperature and light are pretty consistent in the garden. Artist Helen Frankenthaler, said it best.” “Anything that has beauty and provides order (rather than chaos or shock alone), anything resolved in a picture (as in nature) gives pleasure-a sense of rightness, as in being one with order familiar and new at the same time.” Related Images:
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Focus on the Naturally Beautiful

I’m writing with this smashing pink peony on the screen. I love the colors and drama of water droplets in the sun. Naturally beautiful, no editing required. Many years ago my mother used to talk about how she understood the process of painting a picture. She described the importance of an artist creating a path for a viewer to follow into the composition. Leading that  person into another “world” using the tools of color, light, line and shapes. Much later when a painting wasn’t coming together for me, I could appreciate that sentiment, some part or parts were stuck or
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Escape the Serious

I don’t know about you but I’m full up on current affairs. Art and gardening have always afforded a blessed escape from work, and everything else you have to do before you carve out your own time.  I’m learning to do that even if it means setting an alarm. Less guilt that way. Related Images:
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The Bittersweet Tale of an Invasive Plant

The word “invasive” sounds rude. Morning Glories, and my most favorite color Midnight Blue, are considered such a scourge. Prior to my experience over time, I was firmly in denial about that. The color, the shape, the transient beauty whose life spans a single day, how could it ever be considered undesirable? Related Images:
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Never-ending Fall Clean Up- What’s a Gardener to Do?

New England is a classic draw in the fall. People travel from far and wide to get the color experience. Gardeners rake forever, and clean gutters in between -especially if you’re fortunate enough to have maple trees overhanging the entire front of your home and garden. And dear Larry to get up on the ladder with a garden hose. Fall plant care..can’t live with it, can’t live without it. Related Images:
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In Quest of the Perfect Pot

When we bought the cement pedestals for the garden last week, I realized that once again we’d jumped into the  process of finding just the right pot to go with them. Home décor –(in this case “garden” décor) has come a long way since we re-did the house almost six years ago. Now, there are tools available to people 24/7- working through decisions about stuff for living spaces. Related Images:
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