Picking Paint Colors

Amy Emery, a dynamic Interior Designer from South Carolina, agreed to share some tips on choosing paint colors. Can you relate to this?  I can. Amy says: “Selecting paint colors always sends people into a state of panic.” No kidding. Related Images:
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June Roses

It’s June! Do you love roses as I do? They’re precious and feisty- just the right combination in a flower. Summer is getting underway here in Litchfield Related Images:
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Azaleas and NYC

Just for the record….The azaleas are officially- in bloom in Litchfield, Connecticut. I feel happy…when I see them coloring the landscape. Related Images:
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NYC, here we go..again.

Tomorrow morning we’ll be driving to NYC at 5AM for the ICFF show at the Javitts. Too much going on in pillow business land to be terribly loquacious at the moment. I’ll let you know what I saw later in the week…do you think this pillow looks like French Fries? Related Images:
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Leaving on a Train

It takes about an hour to get to the train from the northwest corner of CT so I was sure to leave early enough to be on time for the 6:48 to Grand Central. So focused on an early departure; I left my pocketbook home. GEESH. Related Images:
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My Dirty Little Secret

I don’t like dirt. I’ve gardened since childhood and can speak with authority on the subject. I garden because I like flowers and I want them to be successful. It takes time and good care. Related Images:
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Raising Sunflowers

The sunflower on this pillow is actually a baby sunflower. I started it from seed inside, until the plant was strong enough to stand up to the elements. Weaklings at birth, sunflowers grow into amazing, strong sun worshippers. Related Images:
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The Lily Leaf Beetles Are Coming

It won’t be long before plants will be poking their heads up through the crumbly leftovers of the Winter of 2015. It’s always good to get outside, and clean away the debris. We just got home from our trip south and I can begin to see ground where the snow is starting to melt. Are we done with that yet? Related Images:
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Spring Cleanse

Spring has always been an emotional roller coaster for me. On the one hand, it’s so drop dead gorgeous and fresh, you could stay outside all day long. On the other hand… Related Images:
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