Winging Home

It’s time to head back to Connecticut. OMG. It’s stopped raining. As we descended into Seattle Sunday, you could see the rain on the windows. Today is the first day you can begin to see light through a cloudy sky. Related Images:
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Standing up to Thanksgiving

Every year about this time, a vague feeling of dread comes over me—time to cook for Thanksgiving. (I’m babysitting cheesecake as I write). I decided to get a jump on dessert and just say no to pies this year. Besides, cheesecake will freeze and improve with age. Related Images:
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Say Goodbye to Summer

I finally got outside to fertilize the azaleas and put my last “discount plant” finds in the ground. Of course, that meant bulbs, watering and chips too. After a couple hours racing around, I realized I’d pretty much failed “being in the moment”. I tried. Got a lot done though. Related Images:
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Sensual Party Down

Life is lived through our senses. Some of us are primarily visual, others auditory, and others utilize several senses together. Through our senses we can take comfort in everyday life. Related Images:
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Happy Endings

For the paper wasps not so much. A happy ending to the growing season for the dahlia tubers- ready to come inside. That’s one of their dahlias on the right. I was amazed at the wasp nest. It hung very high overhead on a tree branch in the backyard getting bigger by the minute until one day the crows discovered it. They attacked it, tore it from the tree and devoured what they found. We were hiding inside the house (totally gleeful because they did such a good job, had a great meal, AND we didn’t have to do it
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Designing Autumn

I’ve been thinking through new pillow designs. The changing fall days have been inspiring. Lately I’m focussing on how the new ideas, relate or contrast with existing designs. In between bar codes and shipping… Related Images:
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Fall is coming in and out I go.

It’s after midnight and I’m not quite sure what to share … another late night. Today has been a bit of a roller coaster but what else is new? It’s my life now, and per usual, lots of math factors in. Ugh. In spite of it all, today was another very beautiful early fall day in Litchfield and I had the pleasure of getting outside a couple times. Related Images:
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Hines & Paola

I just returned from Washington, DC, having delivered my new design collection to Hines & Company at the Washington Design Center. Hines & Company now includes Paola Prints in its finest luxury home furnishings; accessories, fabrics, furniture, lighting, trims and wall coverings. Related Images:
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Heavenly Hosta

Ancienne is a pillow of a certain age. She has character.  And a certain “je ne sais quoi” we all hope to have, right? This photo reminds me of the beach. Related Images:
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