Bring Your Own Sunshine To the Party

It’s time to get Spring serious. March 20 was the first day of Spring! If you have piles of snow outside like many of us do, it’s time to bring your own sunshine to the party. One of my new, up and coming Paola pillows is called Sunny- created from a sunflower in full bloom. Related Images:
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In Savannah, Old Friends Are Forever Young

Telfair Academy is a neoclassical Regency mansion turned museum- built in 1818 in downtown historic Savannah. First home to the son of an American War patriot and later a public building. You may recognize the fellows out front from school studies of the ancients. I know I did. Related Images:
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Spring and History -Comfort in Repetition

Yesterday afternoon we arrived in Savannah. It’s been a few years yet it feels like little has changed. It’s spring and the azaleas and camellias are in bloom. The grass is green -it happens sooner here then in New England, which is one reason we come. Related Images:
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Red is all you’ll be wearing next fall. I’m ready, are you?

Really? Aside from the fact that most of us gardeners are ready to start spring, or at least daylight savings come March 12…why worry about something two seasons off? I just want you to be ready for it–red is going to be hot in Fall 2017. (Check out image #7) Personally, I fell for the color red many years ago. It’s one of those colors, like it or not, that has tremendous impact. Maybe that’s why it gets avoided. Generally speaking most people don’t want to call attention to themselves. Others choose red precisely for that reason. I love it
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Tea-A Winning Combination of Comfort and Good Health

People cannot live on Paola Pillows alone- and as the cold lingers, rewarding yourself with a soothing hot beverage is a great habit to nurture. Recently, I’ve become a convert to the pleasant multi-sensoral experience of tea. A virtual postprandial delight-sample after lunch before fading. Alison Birks, my favorite nutritionist, is a world-class herbalist who also makes awesome tea blends. This one is especially great in winter and loaded with things to make a body happy. You won’t find the ingredients in a typical grocery store chain. Look for them in a large health food store or, in Woodbury CT at
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Winter into Summer – Flower Shows

It’s getting warmer….Do you get confused about what season it is when you step outside? Winter, Summer, Spring??? The plants are waking up and unfurling leaves as they feel the heat. Let’s just hope old man winter goes easy on them this year. I’m expecting at least one more snowstorm. We ALL want Spring and Summer ASAP. Related Images:
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Textiles- Making History Through Innovation

Having sewn since childhood, I still remember walking to the store to buy lace and fabric at fractions of a yard to make doll clothes. I am passionate about textiles of all kinds and at a certain point I was making banners with recycled materials from dresses we wore. This is the first banner I made- many years ago- the pink was velour from the bridesmaids’ dresses at my brother’s wedding.  The banner reminds me very much of the Japanese “Boro” tradition. Very cool. I still remember where each piece came from. Textile literally means “that which has been woven”.
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What’s Your Style? From Bridal to Home and Garden

My daughter is getting married in June. We just found The Dress. After much hand wringing and tooth pulling, it appeared effortlessly- as in a dream. (I’m not kidding- it was the stuff of reality TV) The dress is hiding in my closet shielded from all eyes until the fitting happens. Well, almost…see the faint print in the couch behind the Paola’s Palma pillows…? The entire dress bodice is encrusted with seed pearls and sparkles- in true princess style. Related Images:
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