Green on Green

The hosta leaves are coming into their glory. You can see how closely they resemble fabric- in their texture and how they curl around themselves in the sun. (And yes, I did place one of my favorite pillows Palma, inside one of the brand new hosta leaves- as it emerges just outside the front door). Related Images:
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Paola Prints -High Point 2016

I’ve spent the last few days flat out, putting together advertising and artwork and, and, and, together for a big trip south in a few short weeks. If you find yourself in North Carolina, look us up at the Suites At Market Square, Booth 1-640. Related Images:
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Artists Convene at American Craft Council Show

Paola Prints was juried into the flagship show of the American Craft Council, held February 17-21, at the Baltimore Convention Center. Seemed wise to walk the show this year and make plans for 2017-as I’d never been to it. It was fun! It was good  to compare it with my visit to NY NOW a couple weeks ago. I met lots of talented artists and all around good people. Related Images:
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NY NOW Naturally

Heading out to NY NOW Tuesday to do homage to many who are displaying their wares and scores of others who shop for new products for the coming year. At present, displaying at Javitts isn’t what this artist is choosing to do with her dollars. I always attend to better understand the general consensus for design, trends and colors. In the end I let nature take its course. Related Images:
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Spring in Winter

Last week, we shot some new photos. That is, Brad Stanton shot some new photos for publicity. This is one. It was fun not being behind the camera because I got to choose pretty things and set up the various shots. The tallow berries were beautiful – ironically white like the snow we haven’t had here in Connecticut. Of all of them, this photo made me think of Spring, and shooting around outside. Related Images:
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It’s come to my attention that others don’t always share my obsession for intense color. Is this what the Italians always meant when they said “Calma!” to me? Cool your jets. Palma is a newer pillow whose coloration was a nod to this observation. Related Images:
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