Life is No Fairytale

We can dream. When I saw this photo, I knew it was the one I was looking for. When I conceived the garden a few years ago, it’s exactly what I was thinking. Romance, enclosure and above all, mystery. It’s all there, in the garden. The gate is not as incredibly high as one might like, BUT, the plants are growing strong. And, was that a hummingbird that passed through this morning? Heaven. Related Images:
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Seven Designs For You

Paola scarves are now available to order. Have a look. If you love them, consider a wonderful addition to your wardrobe, AND, please pass them on. I appreciate it! Related Images:
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Spring is Almost Sprung, Ya Think?

The “robbing” robins are back. Spring is just about here. The large robin I spied out the kitchen door was busily gathering up detritus for its new nest. When it landed on top of the bamboo fence I knew where it was headed -to the front door light sconce- a favorite spot. Four times we’ve now cleared and hidden the nest supplies. Wait, is it possible we could use these guys to clean the garden? Related Images:
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The New You in 2018

New Year’s offers an opportunity for reflection that I generally resist.  I think the biggest mistake about aging we can make is expecting that life will always remain the same. It doesn’t. As a gardener, I’ve learned principles about change that also apply to new life at any age. Related Images:
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The Sound of Silence

The forecast for this morning was “a wintry mix by 10:00” so it made sense to jump out of bed and put the bulbs in before breakfast. Later, as I ran down to empty the wheelbarrow of leaves and branches, I heard it. The sound of silence. Related Images:
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Follow Your Heart in Home Decor

Ever notice that when you buy a bouquet of flowers, it’s a blend of many different colors and  textures? The juxtaposition of unusual elements can fit dynamically well together with very little effort. What’s important is following your heart. Related Images:
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Bamboo Thrives in Connecticut

Well sort of. We’ve now installed bamboo both outside and inside the house. We love the look of it and how it works with the landscape. Outside bamboo requires the maintenance of wood but is probably a little easier than re-finishing wooden decks, for example. Our bamboo flooring is harder and is lasting better then hardwood. Related Images:
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All Dimensional- The Life of An Artist

We visited a great antique art shop in Gloucester MA last week.  A. P. H. Waller Antiques & Sons- Antiques & Fine Art. They had furniture and home décor items but the emphasis was clearly on three- dimensional art. I felt right at home. I’ve included some photos below. Related Images:
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ICFF Takes the Day in New York

Larry and I completed our annual pilgrimage to ICFF ( the international furniture fair) and SURTEX (surface design show) at Javitts, NYC on Monday. It’s easy to get overwhelmed if you haven’t been before and continues to overwhelm yearly if you don’t take a reasonable lunch break. Which we’ve learned to do. I was reminded of  the sometime, mind -numbing museum trips as a child to every museum in the Washington, DC area. Thank God for the diversion offered by American Indian displays and dinosaurs at the old Smithsonian. Related Images:
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