An Abundance of Life All Around

Summer’s end carries a fullness that surrounds you when you step outdoors. My artwork builds on nature. The garden, in  every season, presents a virtually limitless palette as sun and rain play off each other. Related Images:
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Follow Your Heart in Home Decor

Ever notice that when you buy a bouquet of flowers, it’s a blend of many different colors and  textures? The juxtaposition of unusual elements can fit dynamically well together with very little effort. What’s important is following your heart. Related Images:
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Tomorrow is a New Day

My hard drive crashed yesterday. Wallowing in the depths of despair is neither fun nor attractive so I try not to. Happily, I always work with a back-up drive. It was however, several hours of freak time before Apple Support walked me through the place I currently sit- in the middle of restoring a corrupt hard drive. Related Images:
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Summer 2017 Marches On

Summer is marching on. I’ve had lots of green in my new garden this year so even the day lilies have been much appreciated. Now, daisies are drifting to a close and the gladiolas are just opening. Paola Prints is grateful to Mother Nature for all the rain. The flowers have been wonderful this year! Related Images:
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Lost in Rainwater and Sunlight

I’m defenseless when rain and sunlight come calling in the garden. I’m obliged to rush out after a shower with camera in hand- like a bee to honey. There’s been rainwater a plenty this year in Connecticut. The plants and soil display their pleasure with each passing event. Clean, crisp and content. Related Images:
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Bamboo Thrives in Connecticut

Well sort of. We’ve now installed bamboo both outside and inside the house. We love the look of it and how it works with the landscape. Outside bamboo requires the maintenance of wood but is probably a little easier than re-finishing wooden decks, for example. Our bamboo flooring is harder and is lasting better then hardwood. Related Images:
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Heavenly Blue Indigo in a Morning Glory

Indigo blue is the color of a magnificent aging morning glory. Morning glories open in the morning and die at night. The color indigo is described as between (primary) blue and the color violet on a color wheel. It’s sometimes called blue violet. Think blueberries or new blue jeans. Indigo is thought to embody the concepts of stability and truthfulness. “True blue.” Its closeness to violet also calls to mind authority and royalty. Related Images:
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Summer Sun

Summer is in full swing here in Connecticut. Which means lots of sun and green. Oranges and yellows are re-appearing in the form of lilies of all stripes. The lily leaf beetles have now completely decimated the hybrid lilies and are migrating to other kinds of lilies. Gross! Related Images:
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Hydrangeas – Bring Water For Success

Ever notice your hydrangea bushes wilting in the heat of day? Fortunately, hydrangeas were designed to catch water- each little seed capsule is wide open, ready for any passing moisture. Hydrangeas love regular watering- it  yields more flowers too. This year in Connecticut- we have no worries, plenty of water. Related Images:
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Sustainability in the Garden

A love of fabric forms the basis for understanding a principle that might otherwise escape the light of day. Sustainability is a word that’s been overused in some circles and avoided in others. Related Images:
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