The Evolving Garden Layout

For months now, I’ve avoided getting down to the business of installing the gravel paths and flower beds. It’s not that I can’t face the hard stuff. It just takes time. And the layout keeps evolving. This was the week to dig into the details of mulch for weed prevention in the emerging layout. Related Images:
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Helen of Troy: Summer Rerun

My blog got way from me last night. I can’t change that. I can tell you why I engaged Helen, “the face that launched a thousand ships” in this post. Ok, it’s all about flowers per usual! Related Images:
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Mahogany is a Beautiful Chair

We bought this chair for Paola’s High Point Market booth– because every pillow needs a stunning mahogany chair. It’s a Victorian slipper chair we found online and bought in Gibsonville, NC-The City of Roses. Related Images:
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Home Décor Imitating Nature

Home décor follows the seasons. There’s a reason for that. In the natural world, new plant life emerges in spring, grows, and then dies off in fall. Regardless of whether a person has a real interest in being outdoors, our lives follow the cycle of the seasons by default- just consider our shopping habits- end of summer school clothes, holiday gifts and who doesn’t need a new bag come spring? Related Images:
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Merry Christmas!

Life has been so crazy busy, it’s been difficult to grapple with the inevitable onslaught of holidays around the bend. But that’s OK. It’ll be here soon enough. Christmas is coming. Related Images:
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