Standing up to Thanksgiving

Every year about this time, a vague feeling of dread comes over me—time to cook for Thanksgiving. (I’m babysitting cheesecake as I write). I decided to get a jump on dessert and just say no to pies this year. Besides, cheesecake will freeze and improve with age. Related Images:
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Old Becomes New

Fall is here and winter not far behind. Most of the leaves are down, the ground and light  are changing for winter. Thoughts turn indoors. Consider your living space inside as the holiday season moves into focus. Related Images:
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Monster Colors

Everybody looks for the wonderfully weird when Halloween rolls around. And if  you can’t find it you make it up.This photo was of an aging tulip I shot a couple years ago. A pumpkin wanna be! Related Images:
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Leaf Lights in Autumn

The sun is absolutely golden this time of year. I went out late this afternoon to shoot around and realized I had some prep work to do (raking the beds) and was a little too late to capture the pretty light traveling through the leaves. Related Images:
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The Business of Art

Did you ever hear someone say, “Wow, your art is so great, you should sell it.. people will be crazy about it. Some say, “Be smart and for sure, don’t leave your day job!” Related Images:
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Morning Glory

Morning is a time of day-even though it’s still pretty dark at midnight. As usual, I got caught up in doing the right things and laboring over the latest quality control efforts. Got a bunch done but didn’t quite make it to creative stuff until waaay too late. Related Images:
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Fall is coming in and out I go.

It’s after midnight and I’m not quite sure what to share … another late night. Today has been a bit of a roller coaster but what else is new? It’s my life now, and per usual, lots of math factors in. Ugh. In spite of it all, today was another very beautiful early fall day in Litchfield and I had the pleasure of getting outside a couple times. Related Images:
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It’s come to my attention that others don’t always share my obsession for intense color. Is this what the Italians always meant when they said “Calma!” to me? Cool your jets. Palma is a newer pillow whose coloration was a nod to this observation. Related Images:
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