Life is Beautiful

It’s blowing and snowing like crazy outside. Beautiful to see. Do you love it? Part of it is knowing we’re winding down to Spring in style. Working for oneself does have an upside. You don’t drive out in a storm. And usually you can work from home when the weather is bad. Related Images:
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Lent is Living Slow, Like Gardening

Gardening has taught me something about life. Try as you might, you simply can’t rush the change of seasons. How many times do you find yourself hustling through every little thing because there’s always more stuff to do back of it? Lent is a time I try to do better at living slow and appreciating what’s here- in the moment. Related Images:
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Art Inspired By Nature

The natural world is so much greater than a single person. And yet, nature still requires a person to appreciate and create with it. Unfortunately, the intersection of nature and art in life can sometimes be perceived as a playground for the wealthy.  (Gardeners, know that this is simply not true). Related Images:
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There IS no perfect color

However. Each year Pantone chooses a certain color to be #1, and color trend companies do classes and shows generating elaborate stories about how that color should be used. Sound a tad bogus? It’s complicated. Related Images:
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First Flower of Spring

Hens and Chicks (aka Houseleeks) eventually grow flower stalks that culminate in real flowers. This lovely image is truly not a first flower. But it could be- I haven’t seen this much color outside in months! Yesterday, after the rain, I spied the plant hugging the frozen ground for dear life even as it turned up its face to sun- is it Spring yet??? Related Images:
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Anticipation is at least half the fun

Fashion Week speaks to party girls. Many ladies who like to party, and specifically, “make” a party, know what I’m talking about. The secret pleasures in anticipation are at the HEART of what drives outrageous colors, ideas,  decorations and cooking. You know, the best parts of an event. Related Images:
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Living in Color Balance

As an artist I’m forever driven by a desire to achieve balance in all creative efforts- whether decorative pillow,  living room, or garden. In researching formal garden design I discovered that much consideration was first given to a garden layout based on points of access and egress. The colors one chooses to plant are realized later overtime as you live through the seasons. I struggled with where to start! Related Images:
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