On the Road Again

It’s Spring and that means festivals and fairs for artists of all stripes. Larry and I have been prepping for days now and just learned that it’s probably going to rain again in the NE. We have the tent, displays and additional covers ready BUT, will the people come??? We’ll be at booth #52 in the 33rd Annual Bruce Museum Craft Festival, this Saturday and Sunday. There’s a great collection of artists – all of whom had to be juried in which is often the case for the established fairs. Come on down! We’ll have our pillows for sale- all
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The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. They were an incredible series of ascending tiered gardens  with brick walls 22 feet thick and plantings of all kinds, even full- grown trees. By one account, the gardens were near the ancient city of Babylon, in what is modern day Iraq. As that story goes, King Nebuchadnezzar II,  a Neo-Babylonian ruler in 605 BC, built the gardens for his homesick wife, Queen Amytis who missed the green hills of her homeland. Related Images:
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The Exotic Parrot Tulip

A mysterious variety requiring a little more attention. And nothing ate the parrot tulips- even as other varieties got chomped. Have your tulips been eaten this year? Mine have! Even a hosta spear was gutted. Since this is the enclosed garden’s second year, perhaps the creatures have just discovered a new produce source. Related Images:
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Winter is Officially Over and May 1 is Proof

Historically, May 1 has been celebrated as the beginning of Spring, a time to finally expel winter once and for all. (Who isn’t ready for the end of winter?) I know I am. Keep in mind that officially, it could STILL freeze in Zone 5 until May 12. Just wait a little longer before putting out those bedding plants. Related Images:
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Spring is Almost Sprung, Ya Think?

The “robbing” robins are back. Spring is just about here. The large robin I spied out the kitchen door was busily gathering up detritus for its new nest. When it landed on top of the bamboo fence I knew where it was headed -to the front door light sconce- a favorite spot. Four times we’ve now cleared and hidden the nest supplies. Wait, is it possible we could use these guys to clean the garden? Related Images:
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Designing a Perennial Garden

Returning home after a weekend north, our “zone five” garden isn’t showing much additional green. What has appeared is the bright sunlight that hastens a winter-weary perennial along. Yay! Related Images:
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The Wonder of Fairy Tales

Historically, fairy tales have provided an important building block in literature and also in peoples lives. Also called “wonder” tales, fairy tales are stories about living that share universal themes across culture and history. Good over evil, a reverence for aging, beauty, magic, kings, queens, life and death. Related Images:
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Eleanor and the Promise of Warm Weather in the Garden

Eleanor is a small terracotta planter we bought at Campo de’ Fiori in Sheffield MA. The pot was modeled after a friend of shop owner Robin, who grew up in Rome. The store takes its name from a small piazza where his mother used to buy flowers and vegetables. My Eleanor is outside in the garden on the stone wall- waiting for warmer weather so we can decide what kind of plant hairdo she’ll wear. However. April is the cruelest month. Are your buds covered with ice again? Related Images:
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Beauty Begins in the Garden

Just want to take a moment to remind you that for many artists (I’m no exception, the passion for art begins in nature and reflective time spent outside at the service of plant care. Obviously, the morning glories and roses aren’t out yet, but isn’t it great to have flowers with us all year on home décor fabrics and papers? Related Images:
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Is It Time For Mulch Yet?

Do you sometimes feel like nothing changes? How many weeks have you been ready for a new season? One thing I do know is we have no control over some things and one of those is the weather.  Related Images:
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