Mr. Tambourine Man

This week, Bob Dylan won a Nobel Prize in literature. It was thrilling. And yet, he still hasn’t responded to the Swedish Academy as to whether he’ll accept it. Hmmm. Related Images:
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Here Comes Fall

Colors and leaves-leaves everywhere. The New England countryside is begging to be seen. Take a drive soon if you’re so inclined. Due to a general lack of rain this summer, Fall 2016 should be a shorter color season. Related Images:
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The Fabric of Life-Old Becomes New

Last week I had the pleasure of attending “Talking Textiles”a one-day symposium at the New School in New York. Lidewij Edelcourt, Dean of Hybrid Studies and founder of Edelcourt, Inc., spoke eloquently on the re-creation of ancient fabrics. Related Images:
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Paola Prints Goes Green

Ancienne is a green pillow, one in a series of decorative pillows made from photos of a favorite hosta plant. Home décor products, so many of which are imported from overseas, are made in countries whose manufacturing standards are often much less stringent then in the United States.  Related Images:
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Designing Fall

Fall is creeping into Litchfield Connecticut. Woodland, an autumn Paola Pillow, is once again, making her seasonal debut. Hostas of all kinds are delightful, as they reappear effortlessly each Spring. Woodland is a nod to the more mature hosta….full of all warm shades of brown, tan and gold. I love what cold and bright autumn sun do to a hosta leaf. I have two bareroot hosta plants coming any day. An Aphrodite Hosta- alarmingly fragrant, large white flowers, ( with boring leaves). AND, a White  Feather Hosta, which supposedly has all white leaves. Can’t wait to see them in Spring.
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End of Summer Gardening

We were bereft of roses in the gardens this year. Truthfully, our new property isn’t very rose-friendly. I have maybe three, scrubby little rose bushes that didn’t even deliver the meager assortment of flowers they might have due to an early cold snap and little rain this summer. Related Images:
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