Color Transitions

Well, I managed to cover the boxwoods this year without freezing to death. The gardens have finally been put to bed in preparation for winter and the holidays. Not before the ground colors conspired to deliver a gorgeous last fall palette of colors. I’ve been thrilled with the bush covers we bought last year- and learned the hard way to not store them in an unprotected outbuilding. One of them got half eaten last year. Some tips about winter garden care in general. We tagged a tree last weekend at Angevine Farm in Warren CT. I can’t tell you exactly
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Sewing and Photoshop- A Marriage Made in Litchfield

It’s been a very busy week for Paola Prints. Happily, the rain has kept the plants watered and yours truly out of the garden even as the pruning and transplanting is coming up fast. Some years ago, when I conceived the idea to change from hand drawn or sewn artwork to the computer, I knew I had to acquire some essential tools. A good photographer friend listened to what I had to say and was pretty dogmatic about what I needed. Related Images:
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I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up!

The cactus outside in the garden is coming back to life, and it’s channeling Gumby. Does this personality remind anybody else of that character? It reminds me of the Eddie Murphy skit every time I look at it. It got a little dicey today back at the computer ranch. I got some great shots off in the garden early this am and was ready to quickly download to the computer and get to writing this post. Not so fast. After two hours chat, research and tossing my software preferences, I still couldn’t see the camera. It’s time to download new
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Lessons Learned in the Garden

There’s something new in every season. I discovered the yellow calla lily in a mix of mystery shoots that appeared after putting pots outside this Spring. It reminded me of the never ending mysteries that surface raising kids. Like Bridget. As hard as you try, you can’t know everything. Life is made of change. Related Images:
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Marking Changes Over Time

The photos of my daughter Bridget were taken this past week on her wedding day. As a mother, I’ve witnessed many changes over her lifetime both subtle and dramatic. Then again, some things change and  some don’t. Related Images:
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Garden Design

I don’t know about you, but my flowers have been funky this Spring. They seem to have been arrested by a premature warm spell followed by snow. The azaleas have just started to bloom, but in a manner I’ve never seen. They’re flowering at the ground level. All other buds are still tightly closed. I have three or four azalea bushes in different colors all doing the same thing. Time to start a new garden! Related Images:
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Still Life at Market

My mother used to set up a “still life” for drawing practice. She was the first in a series of many teachers who taught me the basics of composition and the dynamic relationship between shape, color and light. A “still life” is something like a booth at a trade show. A static representation of life. Related Images:
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Show Time at Market

Friday was opening day at High Point Market. So much energy expended at looking good. Ah, the things I’ve learned. Had a GREAT southern breakfast the other day. This place is something to go out of your way for. Container garden in the back with cute little cow sculptures on the back stairs. I had one giant pancake (forewarned as I was) with a choice of blueberries in, or on top and HEATED maple syrup. I treasured my latte, which is virtually unheard of in this locale.. The decor was funky arty, the service outstanding. And the price was prolly
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