Memorial Day 2020

See the White Feather Hosta I bought a few years ago. I’ve moved it several times as it failed to thrive. I was so committed to having such an exotic looking hosta, I never gave up. This Spring it re-appeared and I waited to see if once again it might wilt and turn green but guess what? It’s happy and growing this year. Nestled into some dark green and rock neighbors, it really gets to strut its stuff. New garden memories being made. My mother died May 14, in the midst of the COVID 19 outbreak but not from it. She
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Annual Pilgrimage to ICFF, NYC -May 2019

Every year we go to the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF) to see what’s trending in home décor. As an international venue, many products are quite extravagant but the show also includes new materials and ideas just barely fleshed out by architectural students or young companies in search of distribution. The show showcases all aspects of home décor- inside and out. A must-see. I pulled a few to show you. The Italians are coming! Every year, there’s an extensive display of Italian companies- traditional leathers to very modern materials and high line designs. Worth the visit. There are many styles-
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Growing Partners

Just remember. You can’t do it alone. At some point all growers understand that. I am constantly waay over my head with stuff that needs doing in the garden. SO, anytime, I’m showing photos of my latest idea or a growing tip about something, just remember, we are not alone in a private little outdoors- the world continues around us. Related Images:
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Garden Design

I don’t know about you, but my flowers have been funky this Spring. They seem to have been arrested by a premature warm spell followed by snow. The azaleas have just started to bloom, but in a manner I’ve never seen. They’re flowering at the ground level. All other buds are still tightly closed. I have three or four azalea bushes in different colors all doing the same thing. Time to start a new garden! Related Images:
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Back to the Garden

It’s hard to believe we were away from home for two weeks in search of pillow sales at High Point Market, NC. It’s great to be back  in Litchfield, which means a welcome return to the gardens. Paola Pillows started in the garden. I’ve missed that time. I’m sure people garden for all different reasons. The escape into quiet beauty is right up there. At the same time, isn’t it also about indulging in the work of your hands? The pleasure of just putting your hands and body into it. Less so your mind. The actions of gardening bring comfort.
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Romance in the Garden

Late summer is an awesome time in the garden if you just relax and recognize that the dominant color is green, AND, even the once vigorous skunk cabbage becomes invisible with age. Its leaves literally become transparent. Time passages. Related Images:
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Hey, you do great work

Words an artist never tires of hearing. I’d be a liar if I said otherwise. At the same time, we always know more than the observer making the comment. Some might call it schizophrenia. Related Images:
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The Lily Leaf Beetles Are Coming

It won’t be long before plants will be poking their heads up through the crumbly leftovers of the Winter of 2015. It’s always good to get outside, and clean away the debris. We just got home from our trip south and I can begin to see ground where the snow is starting to melt. Are we done with that yet? Related Images:
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Heavenly Hostas

In the world of flowers and colors hostas do well as a faithful border plant, returning each spring and spreading as required, blooming innocuously in the shade. Nothing much to write home about. Then I discovered the hosta plant that I feature on several Paola Pillows and Related Images:
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