Florida: Where Art Meets Nature

Florida is many things. Boring is not one of them. Our recent trip on the eve of Spring break, drove that point home. Do you recognize any of the wanton Phalaenopsis orchids in the photo, thriving on the tree trunks? ( I’ve killed several attempting to raise them a dry New England home). They’re at home in Florida. One thing that jumped out in Miami was how intensely nature informs art. I’ve never been to the south of Florida before. As with many temperate places, warmth creates an enduring sense of wellbeing in the out-of-doors. As a plant lover, I totally appreciated
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Celebrating Beauty

Beautiful people bring the sunshine. Getting together with others is on hold and will be until the pandemic passes. And when will that be? Social distancing makes one realize what we had. And will we learn to be kinder and more patient in the interim? I hope so.  I’ve once again dug into sewing and shooting scarves for Spring 2020. It’s been tedious as my hand is still not 100% after December surgery. Beautiful colors keep one going in crazy times. See more scarves here. Photo Shoot First, There Was Florida I took so many photos in Florida during our March
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Deadheading in the Garden

The temperatures are growing slowly cooler as Connecticut begins to prepare for autumn. This year, we’ve had alternate wild rainfall interspersed with hot/humid days. The garden has welcomed the rain but because of the heat, the soil dries out dramatically quick, requiring more watering then usual.  Earthworms are on the rise, I’m told that’s because of the additional moisture. I have so many earthworms that the soil is eroding in many places to the point where groundcover on a hill just slides down. At first in disbelief about the veracity of my tale, the local nursery finally suggested trying buckwheat
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Spring is Sprung

Sedum (aka Stonecrop) is a beautiful succulent that appears in early Spring (that’s today in Litchfield). I recently posted a new scarf design and asked people to guess what plant I drew the green from. Sedum!  An unusual shaped succulent that spans the length of our growing season in New England. Sedum is a hardy, perennial addition to a sunny garden. There are both tall and creeping varieties. Mine get pretty tall- up to 2.5 feet and leggy. One might choose a creeping variety for a more tidy garden. It’s early Spring in Connecticut and the usual suspects are slowly
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Winter Blues

Everybody knows that winter is here and yet, in Connecticut, we’re not seeing too much snow on the ground. I’m not complaining- it’s just a reminder. Winter blues are on the runway, waiting until holiday excuses have melted away. Are you ready to face that time? I’m being proactive this year. Winter Blues, a new Paola scarf under construction, is my way of engaging intense color this time of year. It’s imbued with power to lift spirits as we head into the New Year. What are you doing? Color in Winter Many of us add red berries to evergreen for
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Which Way Forward the Artist’s Work?

I read an article in the New York Times recently that chronicles a Japanese artist who has over a lifetime, worked painstakingly to create beautiful fabric using indigo dyes and the ancient process of katazome- the traditional craft of stencil-printed indigo-dyed fabric for kimonos. His work is gorgeous and meticulously fashioned. Related Images:
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Cold Weather is Here to Stay in Connecticut.

Motoring through Thanksgiving signals the start of holiday preparation in earnest. And a time to spend more time reviewing photography for new new scarf designs. If you’ve been watching the emerging designs, you know I’m addicted to all shades of pink. With the holidays, I made a concerted effort to add the traditional reds and greens. Related Images:
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Are You Feeling It Yet?

The holidays are in the air. Do you feel it yet? The skies are grey, the days shorter, the temperatures cooling. It’s always an adjustment, but one we’ll make in any case. We have no choice in the changing of the seasons! Related Images:
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My Fairy Tale

My daughter, Bridget, is the fairy tale I’ve waited for my whole life. After having three madcap little boys, I was nevertheless captivated by the desire for a girl. When Bridget was born she was ill and we embarked on years of trials to get her healthy. What a girl. Difficult, refused to wear pink, and determined to be of her own mind. Related Images:
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Time Passages

It’s great to be home in New England for fall. I’ve finally gotten outdoors to begin the tear down of frozen wilted plants. Lots left to do. I try never to rush this work because it’s a special time and like other things that require effort, you can easily grow to dislike them if you binge and try to do it all at once. Related Images:
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