A Summer Bouquet of Rose and Iris

Spring into summer brings with it a delightful profusion of color. To be honest, after a point roses and peonies start to look similar. Even their spicy scents can smell alike. (I’m not complaining- never met one I didn’t like) Related Images:
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Peonies in Bloom

Isn’t everybody wild about peonies? That romantic profusion of color, endless ruffles and a divine SCENT that permeates the house. The wet weather jumpstarted my peonies and I barely had time to stake them before they burst open at five feet tall. Related Images:
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Green on Green

The hosta leaves are coming into their glory. You can see how closely they resemble fabric- in their texture and how they curl around themselves in the sun. (And yes, I did place one of my favorite pillows Palma, inside one of the brand new hosta leaves- as it emerges just outside the front door). Related Images:
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It’s Hosta Time

The hosta kingdom led me down the garden path… to making pillows. I fell in love. And so began a whole series of experiences from Nikon class to Photoshop class to travels in the southern U.S. in search of fabric printers and home décor insights. Whoa. Too much information? Not really. You can’t imagine how much there is and how more you can learn. Everyday. So, if you’re feeling bored, email me, we’ll talk. Related Images:
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This Spring Garden is Emerging Slowly

Litchfield, Connecticut flowers are still flirting with Spring. I took this photo in May 2015,  after a hard rain. This year, I lost most of my tulips and the late bloomers are just coming in. The peonies have thrown up shoots and buds, waiting to be staked before their heads fatten and fall over from heavy, sweet flowers. And yes, the Japanese beetles are getting their fill on the last emerging hybrid lily leaves. I find and squash those bugs whenever I can. Pests. Related Images:
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Garden Design

I don’t know about you, but my flowers have been funky this Spring. They seem to have been arrested by a premature warm spell followed by snow. The azaleas have just started to bloom, but in a manner I’ve never seen. They’re flowering at the ground level. All other buds are still tightly closed. I have three or four azalea bushes in different colors all doing the same thing. Time to start a new garden! Related Images:
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