Happiness is Jumping Into Life

If you’re like most of us settling in for winter, you know how important filling your days with good activities is. For me a lot has to do with creativity. Having just finished a new scarf “The Blues,” it seems a fitting time to share what I’ve learned about warding off the blues. Light and color are two incredibly important elements in a day that have the power to elevate one’s spirits. The photo today is actually one I took this morning- And how dreary looking it is outside! So, of course, I opted for fantasy to escape the drab
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And So We Go On

The Christmas tree is pretty dry but I refuse to take it down until after January 6- the Feast of the Epiphany. It’s celebrated by many as the day the three kings visited baby Jesus. Growing up in the Catholic tradition, and, thanks to my artist parents, we always kept the tree up at least till the 6th. Truthfully, if you can manage falling pine needles, the lights provide welcome respite from cold dark evenings. A pleasant ruse to keep the holiday magic going a little longer. I’ll take it. All good things continue on. Indoors and outdoors. What do
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Winter Blues

Everybody knows that winter is here and yet, in Connecticut, we’re not seeing too much snow on the ground. I’m not complaining- it’s just a reminder. Winter blues are on the runway, waiting until holiday excuses have melted away. Are you ready to face that time? I’m being proactive this year. Winter Blues, a new Paola scarf under construction, is my way of engaging intense color this time of year. It’s imbued with power to lift spirits as we head into the New Year. What are you doing? Color in Winter Many of us add red berries to evergreen for
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Desperately Seeking Holiday Love

Holidays are all about “matters of the heart”. I often wish we could divorce ourselves from the “stuff of giving” and focus on doing things for the “love”of it. Don’t get me wrong. I’m a real material girl at holiday time. Remember the Madonna movie called “Desperately Seeking Susan?” Great show and one that showcased the becoming of a late bloomer who thought love had passed her by. And they did it through the material world. all the stuff of new clothes and holidays. It’s that time of year. We’re once again caving to frantic pre Christmas shopping stuff and
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Final Holiday Gift Scarf Call

Ok, I’m not a huge Pantone color of the year follower EXCEPT when I love the color. That would be Living Coral for 2019.  Orange and pink, all rolled together. Living Color just happens to be the dominant hue of two new Paola scarves. Bouquet One and Two. I put my daughter Bridget into both to model for this post. Do you love the rose overplay of Bouquet Two? I added a translucent rose over top of the basic Bouquet One. I find both adorable but that could be my fixation on those hues. Sewing has become a respite for
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Which Way Forward the Artist’s Work?

I read an article in the New York Times recently that chronicles a Japanese artist who has over a lifetime, worked painstakingly to create beautiful fabric using indigo dyes and the ancient process of katazome- the traditional craft of stencil-printed indigo-dyed fabric for kimonos. His work is gorgeous and meticulously fashioned. Related Images:
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Cold Weather is Here to Stay in Connecticut.

Motoring through Thanksgiving signals the start of holiday preparation in earnest. And a time to spend more time reviewing photography for new new scarf designs. If you’ve been watching the emerging designs, you know I’m addicted to all shades of pink. With the holidays, I made a concerted effort to add the traditional reds and greens. Related Images:
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Are You Feeling It Yet?

The holidays are in the air. Do you feel it yet? The skies are grey, the days shorter, the temperatures cooling. It’s always an adjustment, but one we’ll make in any case. We have no choice in the changing of the seasons! Related Images:
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My Fairy Tale

My daughter, Bridget, is the fairy tale I’ve waited for my whole life. After having three madcap little boys, I was nevertheless captivated by the desire for a girl. When Bridget was born she was ill and we embarked on years of trials to get her healthy. What a girl. Difficult, refused to wear pink, and determined to be of her own mind. Related Images:
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Time Passages

It’s great to be home in New England for fall. I’ve finally gotten outdoors to begin the tear down of frozen wilted plants. Lots left to do. I try never to rush this work because it’s a special time and like other things that require effort, you can easily grow to dislike them if you binge and try to do it all at once. Related Images:
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