Local Grapes For Wine

Autumn is a grape time of year. I had the pleasure of shooting some grape vines this afternoon and got somewhat nostalgic as I began seeing curled leaves and rusty colors sneaking into the dense shades of green. This is a GREAT time to rediscover the outdoors in local Audubon and river walks. Related Images:
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Art To Couch

Paola Pillows bring art off the walls and onto your couch where you can relax comfortably with them. And why not? I was raised by artist parents. Eating, playing music, school work, partying-all united under the concept living a beautiful life. We were each expected to be agents in making it happen. Related Images:
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It’s come to my attention that others don’t always share my obsession for intense color. Is this what the Italians always meant when they said “Calma!” to me? Cool your jets. Palma is a newer pillow whose coloration was a nod to this observation. Related Images:
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Romance in the Garden

Late summer is an awesome time in the garden if you just relax and recognize that the dominant color is green, AND, even the once vigorous skunk cabbage becomes invisible with age. Its leaves literally become transparent. Time passages. Related Images:
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Living Local

Let me be clear. There’d be no Paola Pillows if not for Mother Nature dishing up incredible flowers I get to shoot and share with you. I love this job! Related Images:
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Back to Nature

The Mud Maiden, a celebrated resident of the Lost Gardens of Heligan is content to rest on Paola Pillows because she intuitively senses that they like herself, came from the earth. Related Images:
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The Day of Reckoning

Is coming. Summer is marching ahead. The foliage is overly green and heavy. The blue hydrangeas are incredibly beautiful –filled out and heavy hanging, colors changing by the day. Transient blooms are fading as vines take over the garden. Related Images:
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Born At The Right Time

I had to rush home today and shoot one of my very newest pillows- I love this version of a lighter green hosta known as August Moon. It’s a first for me as I often use a very different hosta for pillows. This one is a strong light green color. I call the pillow Palma, as she reminds me of palms- Gentle and even in her drama. An interesting combo. Related Images:
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The Fourth of July

There’s a shopping mall near our house that used to be a 44 -acre brass mill complex. For many years after it closed it was an eyesore. Until it was re-created with new purpose- a shopping destination- complete with pictures of metal gears on the walls. Related Images:
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It’s getting hot in between rainstorms in Connecticut. I went out to weed today and the drops started again. We’re sprouting a lot of incredibly healthy weeds. Summertime is also the time for cool and roses-when you can find them. Related Images:
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