Recipe For a Great Thanksgiving

I seem to recall that the meal the colonists ate on the first thanksgiving was largely supplied by their Indian hosts. Work with me on this. There’s very little planning involved  and  you probably still have one more day to find a store to prepare your turkey. Related Images:
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You’re Gonna Miss Me When I’m Gone

We‘re visiting a dear old friend in the hospital tomorrow, probably for the last time. I love the name of this song that surfaced today as I was driving down the road. Boris, our friend, is a HUGE jazz fan and is also forever young at heart. Related Images:
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Paola Prints Goes Green

Ancienne is a green pillow, one in a series of decorative pillows made from photos of a favorite hosta plant. Home décor products, so many of which are imported from overseas, are made in countries whose manufacturing standards are often much less stringent then in the United States.  Related Images:
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Plenty of Green to Go Around

This time of summer, everything is coming up green. And for those of us who crave color, there’s always new ways to add it. Every year, you notice new places, new opportunities to eliminate the color “down times.” And, each year, you get a little farther. Related Images:
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Flower Fantasia

What’s that in the sky? It’s a flower, no, it’s a flower scarf! This week I turned my attention to some new designs using the ever lovely tropical hibiscus. Related Images:
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Are you feeling blue?

Blue can be a challenging color to work with. Take morning glories, specifically midnight blue. I’m crazy about them, and yet their particular blue color is so intense, it can be hard to integrate with other colors. Related Images:
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Independence Day

On Independence Day, the 4th of July, I spent the better part of the day in the garden getting ready for a bridal shower, scheduled here this Saturday. We’ve been working toward the day for weeks. And yes, the other moment I’ve been waiting for-the hostas have started blooming! Related Images:
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The Bugs Stop Here

This week I was talking with someone who was against any kind of pest management. She was pleading for recognition that gardening was simply therapeutic. She just enjoyed working in the garden. I get it. I too, am a garden junkie- out there mindlessly engaged, and not too worried about much. Except bugs and their kind. Related Images:
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