Merry Christmas!

Life has been so crazy busy, it’s been difficult to grapple with the inevitable onslaught of holidays around the bend. But that’s OK. It’ll be here soon enough. Christmas is coming. Related Images:
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The Nest

Days are getting shorter and the sky grows grayer by the day in New England. This photo reminds me of the overriding grey color outside today, anticipating first snow. Related Images:
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Holidays Incoming

“Happy Thanksgiving”  is over. Onto the holidays. Makes me tired even thinking about it. It was good while Thanksgiving  lasted. I always love the preparation for kids coming home. And, hosting them at our local White Memorial gangplank… Aside from cooking for family and eating steadily, it’s been a big week for Paola Prints. We just went live on HOUZZ- still working out some bugs. I’ll have a HOUZZ link for you next post. If you’re looking for festive pillows to warm you in the winter season…we have ten designs in stock-check them out here. We’re selling wholesale and direct.
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Say Goodbye to Summer

I finally got outside to fertilize the azaleas and put my last “discount plant” finds in the ground. Of course, that meant bulbs, watering and chips too. After a couple hours racing around, I realized I’d pretty much failed “being in the moment”. I tried. Got a lot done though. Related Images:
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The Business of Art

Did you ever hear someone say, “Wow, your art is so great, you should sell it.. people will be crazy about it. Some say, “Be smart and for sure, don’t leave your day job!” Related Images:
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Color, Glorious Colors

Autumn colors are unique in their unmatched intensity of hues. Gold and reds are luminous when bathed in a bright and chilly late afternoon. This dahlia was languishing on the dining room table- drooping, petal ends fast discoloring – until I carried it outside to the garden once again. It’s where I prefer to shoot- in natural light. Color is so subjective. It’s one of the things I enjoy about shooting outside. Every second brings color changes with light, angles or settings. I struggle with equipment- moving a lot -with little regard for circumstance. Happily this time of year, most
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Hines & Paola

I just returned from Washington, DC, having delivered my new design collection to Hines & Company at the Washington Design Center. Hines & Company now includes Paola Prints in its finest luxury home furnishings; accessories, fabrics, furniture, lighting, trims and wall coverings. Related Images:
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Time to wake up

Summer is not quite over- even as the maple leaves flirt with orange and yellow. I’ve been generally avoiding the garden because the foliage can overwhelm this time of year. Now, the late blooming flowers are showing up demanding their day in the sun. How could one not pay attention? I’m devoting this post to some late summer beauties you don’t want to miss. Related Images:
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Art To Couch

Paola Pillows bring art off the walls and onto your couch where you can relax comfortably with them. And why not? I was raised by artist parents. Eating, playing music, school work, partying-all united under the concept living a beautiful life. We were each expected to be agents in making it happen. Related Images:
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