Tryon Palace Gardens

Impressive statues of the four seasons watch over the formal parterre known as the Latham Garden, to the side of the Tryon Palace. Tryon Palace was the first permanent home of the North Carolina governor in colonial times. (“Palace” was just another word for the governor’s home). Originally built in 1767, the palace burned to the ground soon after the capital was moved to Raleigh.  Related Images:
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Winging Home

It’s time to head back to Connecticut. OMG. It’s stopped raining. As we descended into Seattle Sunday, you could see the rain on the windows. Today is the first day you can begin to see light through a cloudy sky. Related Images:
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Standing up to Thanksgiving

Every year about this time, a vague feeling of dread comes over me—time to cook for Thanksgiving. (I’m babysitting cheesecake as I write). I decided to get a jump on dessert and just say no to pies this year. Besides, cheesecake will freeze and improve with age. Related Images:
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Designing Autumn

I’ve been thinking through new pillow designs. The changing fall days have been inspiring. Lately I’m focussing on how the new ideas, relate or contrast with existing designs. In between bar codes and shipping… Related Images:
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Paola Prints Goes to Washington

We leave Sunday morning. I’ve been working diligently on finding a wholesale venue in DC and we just might have it. Wish us luck! I grew up in Washington and moved to CT after college. Haven’t been back much and miss it a lot. We’re actually staying in the house I grew up in- ought to be interesting. Related Images:
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Local Grapes For Wine

Autumn is a grape time of year. I had the pleasure of shooting some grape vines this afternoon and got somewhat nostalgic as I began seeing curled leaves and rusty colors sneaking into the dense shades of green. This is a GREAT time to rediscover the outdoors in local Audubon and river walks. Related Images:
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Time to wake up

Summer is not quite over- even as the maple leaves flirt with orange and yellow. I’ve been generally avoiding the garden because the foliage can overwhelm this time of year. Now, the late blooming flowers are showing up demanding their day in the sun. How could one not pay attention? I’m devoting this post to some late summer beauties you don’t want to miss. Related Images:
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Art To Couch

Paola Pillows bring art off the walls and onto your couch where you can relax comfortably with them. And why not? I was raised by artist parents. Eating, playing music, school work, partying-all united under the concept living a beautiful life. We were each expected to be agents in making it happen. Related Images:
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Cutting the rug

Defined as: “Dancing well and with energy”. If one dances a lot, she WILL wear out or “cut a rug”. We each have a bit of the show person inside- it just manifests itself in different ways. I love to entertain- Partly because I enjoy cooking and I like to show off my place. Related Images:
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Woodland- A New Paola Pillow

Meet the new Paola Pillow – Woodland. I thought the Chesterfield leather couch a worthy backdrop to a pillow with lots of personality. Recently, someone told me he thought my pillow designs were too “girly” and would I consider a hunting motif? The short answer was “no”. Related Images:
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