American History Offers Respite

 On Thursday and Friday we were en route home to Connecticut from Savannah. If you’ve never been south, you owe it to yourself to go. As per usual, it was wonderful. Full of the people and sights that many of us growing up in the Northeast haven’t had occasion to experience but need to. It was a visit full of American history. Related Images:
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Tryon Palace Gardens

Impressive statues of the four seasons watch over the formal parterre known as the Latham Garden, to the side of the Tryon Palace. Tryon Palace was the first permanent home of the North Carolina governor in colonial times. (“Palace” was just another word for the governor’s home). Originally built in 1767, the palace burned to the ground soon after the capital was moved to Raleigh.  Related Images:
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Ravishing Roses

Spring is coming and with it the promise of roses. Roses are challenging to grow in heavily shaded and/or wetlands. We have all of the above at our home in Litchfield but it doesn’t stop me from trying. I’m crazy about them. Related Images:
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Working on a New Paola Pillow

I love this photo- the colors are so great together- all  green and red. Doesn’t it look like the coat is rising up inside the green arch? This week I’ve been working on a new spring pillow. And I mean working. Related Images:
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Rooibos Winter Spice Tea

People cannot live on Paola Pillows alone- and as the days get shorter and darker, you need to take a break wherever you can get it. I’m a huge believer in the importance of surrounding yourself with multi-sensorial comforts- visual, sound, smell and gustatory pleasures…in combination. Especially during the holidays. Related Images:
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Life Could Be A Dream

Ever watch a movie or TV show and think, “There’s so much more to this story then they’re telling?” Every pillow story is unique; some designs involve way more effort than you might think. Related Images:
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