Summer Dew All Over

Summer is in full swing. With alternating downpour and incredibly hot sun, it feels like the tropics. Doesn’t it? I continue to struggle around the yard to cover gardens with hemlock mulch- the weeds are threatening to take over again so we’re covering as many as we can with a thick layer before the next rain. Related Images:
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Helen of Troy: Summer Rerun

My blog got way from me last night. I can’t change that. I can tell you why I engaged Helen, “the face that launched a thousand ships” in this post. Ok, it’s all about flowers per usual! Related Images:
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Are you feeling blue?

Blue can be a challenging color to work with. Take morning glories, specifically midnight blue. I’m crazy about them, and yet their particular blue color is so intense, it can be hard to integrate with other colors. Related Images:
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Independence Day

On Independence Day, the 4th of July, I spent the better part of the day in the garden getting ready for a bridal shower, scheduled here this Saturday. We’ve been working toward the day for weeks. And yes, the other moment I’ve been waiting for-the hostas have started blooming! Related Images:
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The Bugs Stop Here

This week I was talking with someone who was against any kind of pest management. She was pleading for recognition that gardening was simply therapeutic. She just enjoyed working in the garden. I get it. I too, am a garden junkie- out there mindlessly engaged, and not too worried about much. Except bugs and their kind. Related Images:
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Summer Intoxication

I remember wondering after seeing the movie Amadeus, whether a true artist had to be crazy, or totally eccentric. (Think Van Gogh) there’s a long list of artists that fit the bill. (Intoxication is often a common theme). Related Images:
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Mahogany is a Beautiful Chair

We bought this chair for Paola’s High Point Market booth– because every pillow needs a stunning mahogany chair. It’s a Victorian slipper chair we found online and bought in Gibsonville, NC-The City of Roses. Related Images:
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A Summer Bouquet of Rose and Iris

Spring into summer brings with it a delightful profusion of color. To be honest, after a point roses and peonies start to look similar. Even their spicy scents can smell alike. (I’m not complaining- never met one I didn’t like) Related Images:
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