White Is In

It’s always a kick when the gladiolas show up after weeks of rain and green. There’s something special about the white ones too. Gladiolas are my one ongoing concession to a summer bulb. Planting and staking, digging up and storing. And starting over again next year. The gift they give is a long running bloom- pretty both in the garden and at home. Related Images:
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And So We Go On

We spent a few days in Greenwich, as guests of a friend and set up our tent at the Bruce Museum Craft Festival. It poured rain the first of two days – and was cold too, worst I’ve seen at an event like that. We’ve been spoiled as we’ve only shown the pillows indoors. Related Images:
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Art Inspired By Nature

The natural world is so much greater than a single person. And yet, nature still requires a person to appreciate and create with it. Unfortunately, the intersection of nature and art in life can sometimes be perceived as a playground for the wealthy.  (Gardeners, know that this is simply not true). Related Images:
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There IS no perfect color

However. Each year Pantone chooses a certain color to be #1, and color trend companies do classes and shows generating elaborate stories about how that color should be used. Sound a tad bogus? It’s complicated. Related Images:
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First Flower of Spring

Hens and Chicks (aka Houseleeks) eventually grow flower stalks that culminate in real flowers. This lovely image is truly not a first flower. But it could be- I haven’t seen this much color outside in months! Yesterday, after the rain, I spied the plant hugging the frozen ground for dear life even as it turned up its face to sun- is it Spring yet??? Related Images:
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Mid-Century All the Way

I was messaging with my son about his quest for a new couch. We independently landed on mid-century modern as the style to shoot for. Why is that? (Aside from the fact that we both have impeccable taste rooted in American history.) Related Images:
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Decorating For the Holidays

Decorating has easily become a favorite part of the holidays. Last year we found our fresh tree appropriately, in the town of Bethlehem, Connecticut. We’ll be headed there again this weekend. Uncle Frank’s Christmas Tree Farm. We drove the truck into the property and were left to our own devices to find a tree, cut it down and load it in. What’s not to like? Related Images:
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