Spring Sale- Scarf Prices Are Going Up May 1

We’ve been sewing and ironing like crazy to get ready for the Simsbury Flea and Smorgasbord Show. It’s next Saturday, (rain or shine) April 27, from 9-5. The show is one day only and I’d love to see you there but if you can’t make it, no worries, scarves in stock today and ordered before May 1, will be sold for the current price of $42.00. After May 1, the new price will be $44.95. SORRY- THIS SALE IS OVER!! Peony Heaven Takes Planning Spring is the time for fertilizing some plants. Today, it was time for the peonies. Having
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Are You Feeling It Yet?

The holidays are in the air. Do you feel it yet? The skies are grey, the days shorter, the temperatures cooling. It’s always an adjustment, but one we’ll make in any case. We have no choice in the changing of the seasons! Related Images:
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Time Passages

It’s great to be home in New England for fall. I’ve finally gotten outdoors to begin the tear down of frozen wilted plants. Lots left to do. I try never to rush this work because it’s a special time and like other things that require effort, you can easily grow to dislike them if you binge and try to do it all at once. Related Images:
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Falling for Festivals in New England

Roses came to mind today as I’m working on a new scarf featuring some of my rose photos. Although I used to raise hybrid teas, I rarely grow roses now as our property is very shady. So, I buy those flowers who pose on occasion. The Meadowsweet Spiraea Japonica (aka Spirea), featured in the photo is from one of our bushes. They were prolific this year, and offer a wonderful backdrop for the roses -even managing to steal some of their thunder. Speaking of growing things. It’s that time of year to celebrate the New England Harvest. With festivals of
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Bringing Plants Inside

‘Tis the season for migrating tender houseplants from their Summer perches back into the house. One of my favorite houseplants is a member of the Echeveria family. Like most succulents, it treasures a sunny spot outside in the garden. Outside, I pick a reasonably similar sunny spot and try to water it a little more than its neighbors who root under ground. The cacti love it outside too! Related Images:
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Just One More Dance

The rain of the last few days has been prolific. If you are lucky enough to find a late bloom, keep it close, they’re becoming limited in supply.  Only the hardy ones survive end of season craziness. Dahlias are some of those hardy survivors. Related Images:
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White Is In

It’s always a kick when the gladiolas show up after weeks of rain and green. There’s something special about the white ones too. Gladiolas are my one ongoing concession to a summer bulb. Planting and staking, digging up and storing. And starting over again next year. The gift they give is a long running bloom- pretty both in the garden and at home. Related Images:
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Welcome Rain Falls,Unwelcome Pests Emerge

I’ll never tire of waking at night to the sound of rain falling. Walking outside in a morning garden and seeing the blessed dark soil tells you it was good all around. Late July into August leads quickly into maintenance, which this week included pruning, staking and pest control. Related Images:
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Seven Designs For You

Paola scarves are now available to order. Have a look. If you love them, consider a wonderful addition to your wardrobe, AND, please pass them on. I appreciate it! Related Images:
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Flower Fantasia

What’s that in the sky? It’s a flower, no, it’s a flower scarf! This week I turned my attention to some new designs using the ever lovely tropical hibiscus. Related Images:
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