The Desert Delivers

Each year, my husband travels to the SEMA Show in Las Vegas to prospect research clients. Every so often, Larry, (and incredibly low airfares) seduce me into hitting the road with him. There was a cold rain falling as we lifted off from Bradley Airport in Hartford and I was grateful for the promise of warm desert weather. Related Images:
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The Big Dig is Here

We’ve now had a couple hard frosts. Everybody knows the first step before that happens is to bring tender plants in before lingering flowers die or worse. House plants on vacation outside can pass away in sudden overnight shock. It’s so easy to do, but this year, all my plants escaped with their lives. Related Images:
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Breathing Life Into Favorite Clothing

I just finished stitching up the latest new version of a jacket bought years ago from online retailer Orvis. I loved the jacket so much I bought two of them! Did you ever have a piece of clothing you wore everywhere, wishing you didn’t have to let it go? You don’t! Favorite clothing can live forever. Related Images:
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Good Stuff’s Tough To Do

Barry Diller, is the money behind the new Hudson River green space at Pier 55. Five years of planning and design was halted by a court order in March, 2017. However, Barry was never one to back down from a fight. Good results come from the right balance between hard work and strategy. Like gardening. Related Images:
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Falling for Festivals in New England

Roses came to mind today as I’m working on a new scarf featuring some of my rose photos. Although I used to raise hybrid teas, I rarely grow roses now as our property is very shady. So, I buy those flowers who pose on occasion. The Meadowsweet Spiraea Japonica (aka Spirea), featured in the photo is from one of our bushes. They were prolific this year, and offer a wonderful backdrop for the roses -even managing to steal some of their thunder. Speaking of growing things. It’s that time of year to celebrate the New England Harvest. With festivals of
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Love is in the Air

The leaves are on the ground. Does anybody else feel nostalgic this time of year? Look around, life is moving, change is happening. Do you ever feel that life is passing you by? Nature can motivate people to hold onto constancy even though you discard annuals. (Plants designed for a short-term color blast) Nature leads us into the holidays in search of lasting companionship and/or family. And love..perhaps? Related Images:
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Change is Coming

As the weather begins to turn, thoughts inevitably turn indoors- Are you too, thinking once again about updating your interior spaces? If you’re really ambitious you might be considering doing it for the holidays. (I’m not really!) If you must make a change quickly, perhaps you could pick one thing, change up the color of a wall, or buy a single new piece. (Our new gas stove is incoming…can’t wait)! Related Images:
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Bringing Plants Inside

‘Tis the season for migrating tender houseplants from their Summer perches back into the house. One of my favorite houseplants is a member of the Echeveria family. Like most succulents, it treasures a sunny spot outside in the garden. Outside, I pick a reasonably similar sunny spot and try to water it a little more than its neighbors who root under ground. The cacti love it outside too! Related Images:
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