Where Do Colors Come From?

Having worked in color all my life, I’ve never been intimidated by its use. Add to that an obsession with fairy tales and well, we’re off! I remember when a very successful decorator, on seeing my brightly colored pillows in NYC became vexed with me. “Too much color! Didn’t I know, color is intended for walls-as ART?” I admit it, I’m a little color crazed. But why does art have to be limited to walls? Overtime, I came to see a certain wisdom in her comments. Color, is challenging to integrate, and color carries with it, certain moods, which further
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Which Way Forward the Artist’s Work?

I read an article in the New York Times recently that chronicles a Japanese artist who has over a lifetime, worked painstakingly to create beautiful fabric using indigo dyes and the ancient process of katazome- the traditional craft of stencil-printed indigo-dyed fabric for kimonos. His work is gorgeous and meticulously fashioned. Related Images:
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Cold Weather is Here to Stay in Connecticut.

Motoring through Thanksgiving signals the start of holiday preparation in earnest. And a time to spend more time reviewing photography for new new scarf designs. If you’ve been watching the emerging designs, you know I’m addicted to all shades of pink. With the holidays, I made a concerted effort to add the traditional reds and greens. Related Images:
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My Fairy Tale

My daughter, Bridget, is the fairy tale I’ve waited for my whole life. After having three madcap little boys, I was nevertheless captivated by the desire for a girl. When Bridget was born she was ill and we embarked on years of trials to get her healthy. What a girl. Difficult, refused to wear pink, and determined to be of her own mind. Related Images:
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The Desert Delivers

Each year, my husband travels to the SEMA Show in Las Vegas to prospect research clients. Every so often, Larry, (and incredibly low airfares) seduce me into hitting the road with him. There was a cold rain falling as we lifted off from Bradley Airport in Hartford and I was grateful for the promise of warm desert weather. Related Images:
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The Big Dig is Here

We’ve now had a couple hard frosts. Everybody knows the first step before that happens is to bring tender plants in before lingering flowers die or worse. House plants on vacation outside can pass away in sudden overnight shock. It’s so easy to do, but this year, all my plants escaped with their lives. Related Images:
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Good Stuff’s Tough To Do

Barry Diller, is the money behind the new Hudson River green space at Pier 55. Five years of planning and design was halted by a court order in March, 2017. However, Barry was never one to back down from a fight. Good results come from the right balance between hard work and strategy. Like gardening. Related Images:
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Bringing Plants Inside

‘Tis the season for migrating tender houseplants from their Summer perches back into the house. One of my favorite houseplants is a member of the Echeveria family. Like most succulents, it treasures a sunny spot outside in the garden. Outside, I pick a reasonably similar sunny spot and try to water it a little more than its neighbors who root under ground. The cacti love it outside too! Related Images:
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Here Comes Fall

Fall is the time for learning new things. It has an anticipatory air about it. Some people go to school, others learn in different ways. I choose all ways! Including making time to improve outdoor furniture in preparation for the inevitable New England winter. And sometimes, you just have to get far away from yard work- it’s still too blazing hot! Related Images:
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