Lessons Learned in the Garden

There’s something new in every season. I discovered the yellow calla lily in a mix of mystery shoots that appeared after putting pots outside this Spring. It reminded me of the never ending mysteries that surface raising kids. Like Bridget. As hard as you try, you can’t know everything. Life is made of change. Related Images:
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American History Offers Respite

 On Thursday and Friday we were en route home to Connecticut from Savannah. If you’ve never been south, you owe it to yourself to go. As per usual, it was wonderful. Full of the people and sights that many of us growing up in the Northeast haven’t had occasion to experience but need to. It was a visit full of American history. Related Images:
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Roses, Roses and Romance

Nothing quite says it like roses. Every year as I begin to catch a whiff of Christmas in the air, I start to feel ROMANTIC. Why is that? In honor of romance, I’m devoting this blog post to fanning the flames of the romantic heart. Related Images:
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Tulsa Time

Fall in Connecticut is in full swing but  we just flew into Tulsa this afternoon.  Got off the plane and it was 85 degrees. Summer reset. Related Images:
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Tryon Palace Gardens

Impressive statues of the four seasons watch over the formal parterre known as the Latham Garden, to the side of the Tryon Palace. Tryon Palace was the first permanent home of the North Carolina governor in colonial times. (“Palace” was just another word for the governor’s home). Originally built in 1767, the palace burned to the ground soon after the capital was moved to Raleigh.  Related Images:
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Still Life at Market

My mother used to set up a “still life” for drawing practice. She was the first in a series of many teachers who taught me the basics of composition and the dynamic relationship between shape, color and light. A “still life” is something like a booth at a trade show. A static representation of life. Related Images:
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Winging Home

It’s time to head back to Connecticut. OMG. It’s stopped raining. As we descended into Seattle Sunday, you could see the rain on the windows. Today is the first day you can begin to see light through a cloudy sky. Related Images:
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Sensual Party Down

Life is lived through our senses. Some of us are primarily visual, others auditory, and others utilize several senses together. Through our senses we can take comfort in everyday life. Related Images:
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