Some Flowers Resemble A Flight of Fancy

People spend a lot of time dreaming of foreverness -thinking that the “now” will last forever. It never does. Nature offers some flowers just one day- like the incredibly beautiful morning glory. It opens in the morning and enfolds by end of day. I planted morning glories a few years running until I discovered that although it’s a glorious flower, it’s born from a destructive invasive vine that returns and multiplies every year, even diminishing in its ability to bear flowers. I’ve grown more cautious with plant selection. And I’m still digging those vines out of the garden. Every plant
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Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras is a tradition that dates back thousands of years to pagan celebrations of spring and fertility. Christian leaders decided to incorporate many popular pagan traditions in a new way. In this case, the craziness got condensed into “Fat Tuesday,” a single day before the period of 40 days of fasting and penance between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday. In 1857, a secret society of New Orleans businessmen called the Mistick Krewe of Comus organized a torch-lit procession with marching bands and rolling floats. This set the tone for future public celebrations that continue today in 2019- known as
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Life in Black and White

I will die a colorist. At the same time. In the beginning, an artist has to deny her creative self and start simply. It’s part of any learning process, regardless of vocation. The markers are everywhere. How often have you heard the words “Baby steps; One day at a time; or First things first?” In art school, Drawing 101 begins with charcoal and a still life. Fast forward. One lens used in the new film Roma cost in the neighborhood of $80,000. Film director Alfonso Cuaron did NOT get there overnight.  Roma lead actress, Yalitza Aparicio is new to acting
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Summertime in Winter

In the northeast this time of year, it’s easy to fantasize about bright colors and blessed memories of summertime. Let’s indulge! The first white phlox of the garden are in bloom. And…paper whites are on the ascendancy. I’m not quite there. Some people take off for a warmer climate this time of year. What are the other options? Well, this artist thrills to the creation of sunny images with power to transport the imagination. This was a busy week for Paola Prints. We’re getting a print order ready for two new designs and have almost finished a third. The Blues
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An Artist’s Escape

Today was a difficult day, once again navigating the days preceding my older sister’s passing. As difficult as one can imagine that is, it’s sometimes harder to navigate other family needs related to their responses. It’s all part of life. We have the power to change some of it, but most, not so much. As an artist, I’m forever grateful for access to creativity that helps mitigate external forces beyond my control. I treasure the ability to tap into the energy that exercises beauty and strength for good. I had the pleasure of shooting a fantastic local lily pond a
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Where Do Colors Come From?

Having worked in color all my life, I’ve never been intimidated by its use. Add to that an obsession with fairy tales and well, we’re off! I remember when a very successful decorator, on seeing my brightly colored pillows in NYC became vexed with me. “Too much color! Didn’t I know, color is intended for walls-as ART?” I admit it, I’m a little color crazed. But why does art have to be limited to walls? Overtime, I came to see a certain wisdom in her comments. Color, is challenging to integrate, and color carries with it, certain moods, which further
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And So We Go On

The Christmas tree is pretty dry but I refuse to take it down until after January 6- the Feast of the Epiphany. It’s celebrated by many as the day the three kings visited baby Jesus. Growing up in the Catholic tradition, and, thanks to my artist parents, we always kept the tree up at least till the 6th. Truthfully, if you can manage falling pine needles, the lights provide welcome respite from cold dark evenings. A pleasant ruse to keep the holiday magic going a little longer. I’ll take it. All good things continue on. Indoors and outdoors. What do
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Desperately Seeking Holiday Love

Holidays are all about “matters of the heart”. I often wish we could divorce ourselves from the “stuff of giving” and focus on doing things for the “love”of it. Don’t get me wrong. I’m a real material girl at holiday time. Remember the Madonna movie called “Desperately Seeking Susan?” Great show and one that showcased the becoming of a late bloomer who thought love had passed her by. And they did it through the material world. all the stuff of new clothes and holidays. It’s that time of year. We’re once again caving to frantic pre Christmas shopping stuff and
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Which Way Forward the Artist’s Work?

I read an article in the New York Times recently that chronicles a Japanese artist who has over a lifetime, worked painstakingly to create beautiful fabric using indigo dyes and the ancient process of katazome- the traditional craft of stencil-printed indigo-dyed fabric for kimonos. His work is gorgeous and meticulously fashioned. Related Images:
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Cold Weather is Here to Stay in Connecticut.

Motoring through Thanksgiving signals the start of holiday preparation in earnest. And a time to spend more time reviewing photography for new new scarf designs. If you’ve been watching the emerging designs, you know I’m addicted to all shades of pink. With the holidays, I made a concerted effort to add the traditional reds and greens. Related Images:
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